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Managing Workflows

From the Workflows page, you can review some data about each workflow in your site. This includes information such as the number of times each workflow has run successfully and the rate of errors for each workflow. From this page, you can download the workflow's script or enable and disable it.


The workflows list view populates with all the workflows in your tenant for immediate access. Metrics on Successful Runs and Error Rate may take longer to load in high execution workflows due to a secondary call to fetch this information.

You can also view and edit individual workflows, as well as delete them.

Viewing and Editing a Workflow

Workflows must be disabled before they can be edited.

  1. Go to Admin > Workflows.

  2. Select the name of the workflow you want to view.

    You can review a number of details about the workflow, including the uploaded file, its name and description, when it was created, and who created it.

  3. To edit the workflow, select its name and go to the Details tab.

    • You can edit the workflow's name and description here.
    • Select Upload New Script to replace the workflow's JSON file with an updated version, or select Edit Workflow to go to the visual builder.
  4. When you have finished making your changes, select Save.

    Your changes are applied immediately and appear in the logs for all future executions of this workflow.

Changing a Workflow Owner

From the Workflows list page:

  1. Select a workflow.

  2. Select the Owner dropdown field and choose the name of the ORG_ADMIN you want to assign as the owner.

From the workflow builder:

  1. Select Workflow Details.

  2. Select the Owner dropdown field and choose the name of the ORG_ADMIN you want to assign as the owner.


The owner cannot be changed while a workflow is enabled.

Viewing Workflow Executions

Workflows provides an execution history with the execution details for all actions. The execution history is available to all admins.

  1. Go to Admin > Workflows.

  2. Select the name of the workflow you want to view.

  3. Select the Executions tab to review details about when the workflow was executed in the past 90 days.

    These details include the rendered text for any valid inline variables, as well as the variable itself.

    If you need a longer execution history, use the Workflow Executions API.

You can use the date and status dropdowns to filter executions on selected criteria. You can also filter by time if you have selected a date.


The Executions tab populates with all the executions of this workflow for immediate access. In high execution workflows, the total number of executions and pagination might take longer to determine due to a secondary call to fetch this information.

Downloading Workflow Metadata

You can download a record of your workflow's steps at any time.

  1. Go to Admin > Workflows.

    You can select the Download icon beside the name of the workflow you want to edit to download the workflow's JSON directly.

    The list of workflows. In the Actions column, the Download Workflow Definition button is highlighted.

    You can view additional options while editing a workflow.

  2. Select the workflow you want to edit and select Edit Workflow.

  3. Select the Download icon and choose whether to download an image of the workflow diagram as it appears on the canvas below, or the JSON body of the workflow.

Duplicating a Workflow

From the list of workflows, select the Duplicate Workflow icon beside the workflow you want to copy.

A new workflow appears at the top of the list of workflows, titled Copy of followed by the original workflow's name. You can then edit this workflow to meet your needs.

You can also duplicate a workflow with a secret, however it is discouraged.

To duplicate a workflow with a secret:

  1. From the list of workflows, select the Download Workflow Definition icon and open the definition.

  2. Find and delete all references to the secret from the JSON file.

  3. From the Workflows page, select + New Workflow.

  4. Select Start with a JSON File.

  5. Upload the edited workflow definition and give the new workflow a name.

  6. Select Continue to Builder.

You can then edit this workflow to meet your needs.

Deleting a Workflow

  1. Select the Delete icon beside the workflow you want to delete on the Workflows page.

  2. Select the name of the workflow you want to delete, then select the Delete icon on the Details page.

Managing Workflows Traffic

You can use Workflows to make API calls to your system while accessing only SailPoint networks using a list of source IPs that workflow traffic will come from. The list of IPs is in files organized by SaaS region in AWS. Each region has three files with similar content published in different formats – TXT, JSON, and YAML. Refer to the list of regional files to find the files for your tenant.

To use this new data, you need to know the AWS region your tenant is in. Load the file from your tenant’s region to get the list of IPs that need to be allowed through the firewall.


These IPs can change at any time. The files will be updated as the IPs change. It is recommended that you build automation to regularly check this data. Some firewalls allow consumption of this data directly via the URL. Refer to IP Address Allow List for more information.

SaaS region names in AWS:

  • ap-northeast-1
  • ap-south-1
  • ap-southeast-1
  • ap-southeast-2
  • ca-central-1
  • eu-central-1
  • eu-west-2
  • us-east-1
  • us-west-2

Files by type:

  • source_ips.yaml
  • source_ips.json
  • source_ips.txt
Open Full List of Files
Open Sample File Contents

    "region": "eu-west-2"
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""

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