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Searchable Fields

The organization of the data in your tenant is called the data model, and understanding this data model can help you create the most effective search queries.

These data models are represented in JSON. You can find sample data models in the Search FAQs. All items in the JSON can be searched, and many of them are defined below. All field names are case sensitive.

Searching Identity Data

The first search category is identities. You can search on the data about identities using the data model.

Identity Security Cloud can search on any attributes that have been successfully correlated to an identity. This means that uncorrelated accounts do not appear in this list and that an identity's manager attribute must be correlated to another valid identity for that data to be searchable.

First-Level Fields for Identities

The following table contains a list of first-level fields in identities. Below the first-level fields, the table contains a list of the second- and nested-level fields available for identities. Select one of those fields to review the stored data about that object.

Field Type Description Example
name string The name or alias of the identity. name:john.smith
displayName string The identity's unique display name. This is the same as attributes.displayName. In some cases, this is also the same as the name. displayName:john.smith
firstName string The identity's first name. This is the same as attributes.firstname. firstName:john
lastName string The identity's last name. This is the same as attributes.lastname. lastName:smith
id string The technical ID of the identity in Identity Security Cloud. id:abc1
email string The identity's unique email address.
created date The date, in ISO 8601 format, that the first source account for this identity was aggregated into your tenant, even if that account didn't come from the authoritative source. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. created:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
modified date The most recent date that changes were made to this identity in ISO 8601 format. This includes changes made within your tenant and detected by aggregations. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. modified:2018-03-30T18\:29\:02Z
phone string The identity's alternate phone number. phone:5558675309
status string The status of the identity. status:UNREGISTERED
synced date The date that this identity's information was last synchronized with Search, in ISO 8601 format. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. synced:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
isManager bool A boolean describing whether the identity is listed as the manager of another employee. isManager:true
employeeNumber string The identity's unique employee number. employeeNumber:123
processingState string This field is blank unless the identity experienced an error during aggregation, in which case this field will be ERROR. processingState:ERROR
appCount integer The number of apps the identity has access to. appCount:6
accountCount integer The number of sources the identity has an account on. accountCount:4
accessCount integer The number of access items the identity has. This includes entitlements, access profiles, and roles. accessCount:16
entitlementCount integer The number of entitlements the identity has. entitlementCount:10
roleCount integer The number of roles the identity has. roleCount:4
accessProfileCount integer The number of access profiles the identity has. accessProfileCount:7
tags string Tags assigned to the identity. tags:PCI_COMPLIANCE
Second-Level Fields
Fields Description
manager Search for identities who have managers with certain characteristics. This object requires a second-level field.
source Search for identities based on the information in their authoritative source. This object requires a second-level field.
identity profile Search for identities who belong to a specific identity profile. This object requires a second-level field.
owns Search for identities who own specific items in Identity Security Cloud, such as access profiles, sources, or roles.
attributes Search for identities with specific identity attributes. This object requires a second-level field.
apps Search for identities by which apps they have. This nested object requires a nested query.
accounts Search for identities by which source accounts they have. This nested object requires a nested query.
access Search for identities by what specific access they have. This nested object requires a nested query.

Second-Level Fields for Identities

Second-level fields are a type of object. Each second-level field contains at least one first-level field. They can give you additional information about your identities and their data.

Second-Level Field First-Level Field Type Description Example
manager name string The name of the identity's manager. This corresponds to the name field for the manager.
displayName string The display name of the identity's manager. This corresponds with the displayName field for the manager. In some cases, this is the same as the name. manager.displayName:amanda.ross
id string The technical ID of the manager's identity.
source id string The technical ID of the identity's authoritative source.
name string This represents the name of the identity's authoritative source.
identityProfile name string The name of the identity profile.
id string The technical ID of the identity profile.
owns string The display name of the source the identity owns."Active Directory" string The technical ID of the source the identity owns. string The display name of the access profile the identity owns."Engineering Management Access Profile" string The technical ID of the access profile the identity owns. string The display name of the entitlement the identity owns."Database Read Access" string The technical ID of the entitlement the identity owns. string The display name of the role the identity owns. string The technical ID of the role the identity owns. string The display name of the governance group the identity owns."IT Team" string The technical ID of the governance group the identity owns. string The display name of the application the identity owns. string The technical ID of the application the identity owns.
fallbackApprover boolean Whether the identity is the fallback reviewer for an access item that can be requested. owns.fallbackApprover:true
attributes uid string The UID as it appears on the identity profile. This comes from the authoritative source. attributes.uid:abc1
firstname string The identity's first name. This is the same as the first-level attribute firstName. attributes.firstname:Rakesh
cloudAuthoritativeSource string The technical ID of the authoritative source of the identity profile. attributes.cloudAuthoritativeSource:abc1
cloudLifecycleState string The lifecycle state configured for the identity. attributes.cloudLifecycleState:Active
phone string The identity's alternate phone number.
displayName string The identity's unique display name. This is the same as displayName. In some cases, this is also the same as the name. attributes.displayName:amanda.ross
identificationNumber string The identity's employee number as configured in the identity profile. attributes.identificationNumber:293409
workPhone string The identity's work phone number. attributes.workPhone:5551235555
email string The email address of the identity.
lastname string The identity's last name. This is the same as the first-level attribute lastName. attributes.lastname:kim
startDate date The date the identity started at your company in ISO 8601 format. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. attributes.startDate:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
endDate date The date the identity's employment at your company ended in ISO 8601 format. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. attributes.endDate:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
nextProcessing date The next date, in ISO 8601 format, that this identity is set to undergo identity processing outside of the regularly scheduled identity processing. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. attributes.nextProcessing:<=2024-10-20T13\:00\:00-05\:00
personalEmail string The identity's alternate email address.

Note that if you add custom attributes to your identity profile, you can search on those as well using the technical name of the attribute. You can also configure your custom attributes to use the date type of value by adding the string dateType to the end of your attribute name.

Nested-Level Fields for Identities

If an identity can have more than one of a type of item, it must be searched with a nested query. Apps, accounts, and access are nested objects, and require nested queries.

Review Using Nested Queries for details on putting together a nested query.

Nested Object
Second-Level Field First-Level Field Description Example
apps   id The technical ID of the app. @apps(id:386)
  name The display name of the app. @apps(name:Adobe)
source name The display name of the source that grants the app. @apps(
id The technical ID of the source that grants the app. @apps(
account id The technical ID of the user's account on the source that grants the app. @apps(
accountId The user's display name for the account on the source that grants the app. @apps(account.accountId:"Amanda Ross")
accounts   id The ID of the account.


  name The display name of the account. @accounts(name:Amanda Ross)
  accountId If available, it's the aiqAccountName from the source. If not, it's the display name for the account.


  disabled A boolean based on whether identities have disabled accounts. Accounts can be disabled from the UI. This field is case sensitive. @accounts(disabled:true)
  locked A boolean based on whether identities have locked accounts. This could be due to invalid login attempts. This field is case sensitive. @accounts(locked:false)
  privileged A boolean  based on whether identities have accounts marked as privileged. This is determined on the source itself. @accounts(privileged:true)
  manuallyCorrelated A boolean based on whether identities have accounts that were manually correlated. This field is case sensitive. @accounts(manuallyCorrelated:false)
  passwordLastSet The date in ISO 8601 format that the password for the account was last changed. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. @accounts(passwordLastSet:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z)
  created The date in ISO 8601 format that an identity's account on a source was first created. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. @accounts(created:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z)
entitlementAttributes memberOf The entitlement attributes and values associated with the account. The "memberOf" field is only available for accounts on Active Directory sources. Other sources might use other values in place of "memberOf"(*). @accounts(entitlementAttributes.memberOf:"manager entitlement")
source name The display name of the source the account is on. @accounts("Acme Source")
id The technical ID of the source the account is on. @accounts(
type The type of source the account is on. @accounts(source.type:DelimitedFile)
access   id The technical ID of the access item. @access(id:abc1)
  type The type of access item. @access(type:ENTITLEMENT)
  displayName The display name of the access item, as configured in the UI. This is the same as @access(displayName:"Manager Entitlement")
  name The name of the access item, as configured in the UI. This is the same as access.displayName. @access(name:"Manager Entitlement")
  description The description of the access item, as entered in the UI. @access(description:"Entitlement given to managers in Engineering")
  privileged A boolean based on whether the access item is marked as privileged. For access items that are not entitlements, this boolean describes whether the access item contains an entitlement that is marked as privileged. @access(privileged:false)
  attribute For entitlements, the attribute used by the source to define the type of entitlement. @access(attribute:memberOf)
  value For entitlements, the value used by the source for the entitlement. @access(value:"manager entitlement")
  disabled For roles, a boolean based on whether the role is enabled or disabled in the UI. This field is case sensitive. @access(disabled:false)
source name The display name of the source the access comes from. @access("Active Directory")
id The technical ID of the source the access comes from. @access(
owner id The technical ID of the access owner. @access(
name The access owner's name as it appears on the Identities page. @access(
displayName The access owner's display name as it appears on the Identities page. @access(owner.displayName:"Amanda Ross")

(*) The entitlementAttributes field can be followed by any first-level field name that has been defined as an entitlement attribute on the source. For example, instead of memberOf, a query could use groups, license, or roles, depending on the source.

Searching Entitlement Data

The entitlement data model describes the data found within an entitlement. Refer to our sample data models for an example of an entitlement data model.

First-Level Fields for Entitlements

The following table contains a list of the first-level fields found in entitlements.

Field Type Description Example
id string The technical ID of the entitlement. id:abc1
displayName string The display name of the entitlement, as seen in the UI. displayName:"Manager Entitlement"
name string The entitlement name. name:"manager entitlement"
description string The user-entered description of the entitlement. description:"The entitlement assigned to managers."
privileged bool A boolean describing whether or not the entitlement is marked as privileged. privileged:true
requestable bool A boolean describing whether or not the entitlement is marked as requestable. requestable:true
attribute string The attribute used by the source to define the type of entitlement. attribute:memberOf
value string The value used by the source for this entitlement. value:"manager entitlement"


date The most recent date that changes were made to this entitlement in ISO 8601 format. This includes changes made within your tenant and detected by aggregations. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. modified:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
synced date The date that this entitlement's information was last synchronized with Search, in ISO 8601 format. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. synced:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
tags string Tags assigned to the entitlement. tags:PCI_COMPLIANCE
Second- and Nested-Level Fields
Fields Description
source Search for entitlements based on the source they come from.
segments Search for entitlements by the segments they are in.
owner Search for entitlements based on information about the identities marked as their owners.
accessModelMetadata Search for entitlements based on their metadata attributes.

Second-Level Fields for Entitlements

Entitlements also have second-level fields.

Second-Level Field First-Level Field Type Description Example
source name string The name of the source the entitlement comes from."Acme Source"
id string The ID of the source the entitlement comes from.
segments name string The name of a segment the entitlement is in."Financial Services"
id string The technical ID of a segment the entitlement is in.
owner name string The display name of the identity listed as this entitlement's owner."Sam Johnson"
id string The technical ID of the identity listed as the entitlement's owner.

Nested-Level Fields for Entitlements

If an entitlement is able to have more than one of a particular type of item, it must be searched with a nested query. Because an entitlement can have multiple metadata attributes, those metadata attributes are considered nested objects and they must be searched using nested queries.

Nested Object Field Type Description Example
accessModelMetadata key string The technical name of the attribute.  @accessModelMetadata(key:regulatory)
name string The display name of the attribute. @accessModelMetadata(name:Regulatory)
type string The type of attribute. This can be "custom" or "governance." @accessModelMetadata(type:governance)
description string The description of the attribute. @accessModelMetadata(description:"Indicates the Regulations or Standards associated with an access item.")
value string The technical name of a value of the attribute. @accessModelMetadata(value:hipaa)
valueName string The display name of the value.  @accessModelMetadata(valueName:HIPAA)

Searching Access Profile Data

The access profile data model describes the information you can find about access profiles in your tenant's implementation. Refer to our sample data models for an example of an access profile data model.

First-Level Fields for Access Profiles

The following table contains a list of first-level fields in access profiles, as well as brief introductions to the second- and nested-level fields in access profiles.

Field Type Description Example
created date The date the access profile was created, in ISO 8601 format. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. 2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
description string The user-entered description of the access profile. description:"Grants users access to Acme App."
entitlementCount integer The number of entitlements in the access profile. entitlementCount:3
id string The technical ID of the access profile. id:abc1
modified date The most recent date that changes were made to this access profile in ISO 8601 format. This includes changes made within your tenant and detected by aggregations. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. modified:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
name string The name of the access profile. name:"Acme App Admin Access"
requestable bool A boolean describing whether or not this access profile is marked as requestable. This field is case sensitive. requestable:true
synced date The date that this access profile's information was last synchronized with Search, in ISO 8601 format. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. synced:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
tags string Tags assigned to the access profile. tags:PCI_COMPLIANCE
Second-Level Fields
Fields Description
owner Search for access profiles with a specific identity listed as their owner. This object requires a second-level field.
source Search for access profiles that have entitlements from a specific source. This object requires a second-level field.
entitlements Search for access profiles by the characteristics of the entitlements they contain. This object requires a nested-level field.
apps Search for access profiles by the characteristics of the apps associated with them. This object requires a nested-level field.

Second-Level Fields for Access Profiles

Access profiles also have second-level fields.

Second-Level Field First-Level Field Type Description Example
owner name string The name of the owner of the access profile."Kirsten Jones"
id string The technical ID of the owner of the access profile."
type string The type of entity that owns this access profile. This is always an identity. owner.type:identity
email string The work email address of the identity that owns the access profile.""
source name string The name of the source of the entitlements in the access profile."Active Directory"
id string The technical ID of the source of the entitlements in the access profile.
segments name string The name of a segment the access profile is in."Financial Services"
id string The technical ID of a segment the access profile is in.

Nested-Level Fields for Access Profiles

If an access profile is able to have more than one of a particular type of item, it must be searched with a nested query. Because an access profile can have multiple entitlements associated with it, those entitlements are considered nested objects and they must be searched using nested queries.

Nested Object Field
Type Description Example
entitlements attribute string The attribute used by the source to define the type of entitlement. @entitlements(attribute:memberOf)
description string The user-entered description of the entitlement. @entitlements(description:"The entitlement assigned to managers.")
id string The technical ID of the entitlement. @entitlements(id:abc1)
name string The entitlement name. @entitlements(name:"Manager Entitlement")
value string The value used by the source for this entitlement. @entitlements(value:managerEntitlement)
apps   id string The technical ID of the app associated with this access profile. @apps(id:abc1)
  name string The name of the app associated with this access profile. @apps(name:"Acme App")
  Description string The user-entered description of the app associated with this access profile. @apps(description:"Management app for the Acme application.")
owner email string The email address for the identity assigned as the app's owner. @apps("")
type string The type of entity assigned as the owner of this app. This value is always "IDENTITY." @apps(owner.type:IDENTITY)
id string The technical ID of the identity that owns the app. @apps(
name string The name of the identity that owns this app. @apps("Jorge Gomez")

Searching Role Data

The role data model describes the data found in roles. Roles contain first- and second-level fields. Refer to our sample data models for an example of a searching role data model.

First-Level Fields

Field Type Description Example
name string The user-entered name of the role. name:"Accounting Role"
id string The technical ID of the role. id:abc1
description string The user-entered description of the role. description:"This is a role for accountants."
created date The date the role was created, in ISO 8601 format. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. created:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
modified date The most recent date that changes were made to this role in ISO 8601 format. This includes changes made within your tenant and detected by aggregations. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. modified:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
enabled bool A boolean describing whether the role is enabled. This field is case sensitive. enabled:false
requestable bool A boolean describing whether the role is requestable. This field is case sensitive. requestable:true
synced date The date that this role's information was last synchronized with Search, in ISO 8601 format. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. synced:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
accessProfileCount integer The number of access profiles granted by the role. accessProfileCount:3
entitlementCount integer The number of entitlements granted by the role that aren't associated with access profiles. entitlementCount:5
dimensional bool Whether or not the role has any dimensions configured.  dimensional:true
dimensionCount integer The number of dimensions configured for the role.  dimensionCount:12
dimensionSchemaAttributeCount integer The number of attributes used to assign the role's dimensions to identities.  dimensionSchemaAttributeCount:3
tags string Tags assigned to the role. tags:PCI_COMPLIANCE
Second- and Nested-Level Fields
Fields Description
accessProfiles Search for roles based on the access profiles they grant.
owner Search for roles based on information about the identities marked as their owners.
segments Search for roles by the segments they are in.
entitlements Search for roles based on the entitlements they grant separately from access profiles.
accessModelMetadata Search for roles based on their metadata attributes.
dimensions Search for roles based on dimensions associated with the role, and the access those dimensions grant.
dimensionSchemaAttributes Search for roles based on the identity attributes used to grant its dimensions to identities.

Second-Level Fields for Roles

Roles also have second-level fields. The access profiles list for each role has been flattened in your search data so that you query them as second-level fields, rather than nested objects.

Second-Level Field First-Level Field Type Description Example
accessProfiles id array Returns all roles that contain the access profile you search for by technical ID.
name array Returns all roles that contain the access profile you search for by name."Access Profile 1"
owner id string The technical ID of the owner of the role.
name string The name of the owner of the role."Bill Snide"
type string The type of entity that owns this role. This is always an identity. owner.type:identity
email string The work email address of the identity that owns this role.""
segments name string The name of a segment the role is in."Financial Services"
id string The technical ID of a segment the role is in.

Nested-Level Fields for Roles

Some fields within roles are considered nested objects and must be searched with a nested query.

Nested Object Second-Level Field First-Level Field Type Description Example
entitlements   attribute string The attribute used by the source to define the type of entitlement. @entitlements(attribute:memberOf)
  schema string The entitlement type. @entitlement(schema:group)
  description string The user-entered description of the entitlement. @entitlements(description:"The entitlement assigned to managers.")
  id string The technical ID of the entitlement. @entitlements(id:abc1)
  name string The entitlement name. @entitlements(name:"Manager Entitlement")
  value string The value used by the source for this entitlement. @entitlements(value:managerEntitlement)
  hasPermissions bool Whether there are permissions associated with this entitlement. @entitlements(hasPermissions:true)
accessModelMetadata   key string The technical name of the attribute.   @accessModelMetadata(key:data-classification-level)
  name string The display name of the attribute.  @accessModelMetadata(name:"Data Classification Level")
  type string The type of attribute. This can be "custom" or "governance."  @accessModelMetadata(type:governance)
  description string The description of the attribute.  @accessModelMetadata(description:"Indicates that the access item is classified as common access.")
  value string The technical name of a value of the attribute.  @accessModelMetadata(value:common-access)
  valueName string The display name of the value.   @accessModelMetadata(valueName:"Common Access")
dimensions   id string The technical ID of the dimension.   @dimensions(id:abc1)
  name string The dimension's name.  @dimensions(name:"Store Clerk Location 15")
  description string The dimension's description.  @dimensions(description:"Store clerks located in Atlanta at store 15.")
accessProfiles id string The technical ID of the access profile granted by the dimension.  @dimensions(
name string The name of the access profile granted by the dimension.  @dimensions("Location 15 access")
entitlements id string The technical ID of the entitlement granted by the dimension.  @dimensions(
name string The name of the entitlement granted by the dimension.  @dimensions("Point of Sale Entitlement")
description string The user-entered description of the entitlement.  @dimensions(entitlements.description:"The entitlement granted to users that gives them access to point of sale machines.")
attribute string The attribute used by the source to define the type of entitlement.  @dimensions(entitlements.attributes:memberOf)
value string The value used by the source for this entitlement.  @dimensions(entitlements.value:posAccess)
sourceSchemaObjectType string The entitlement type.  @dimensions(entitlements.sourceSchemaObjectType:group)
privileged bool Whether this entitlement is marked as privileged.  @dimensions(entitlements.privileged:true)
hasPermissions bool Whether there are permissions associated with this entitlement.  @dimensions(entitlements.hasPermissions:false)
dimensionSchemaAttributes   name string The technical name of the identity attribute used to grant this dimension to identities.  @dimensionSchemaAttributes(name:givenName)
  displayName string The display name of the identity attribute used to grant this dimension to identities.  @dimensionSchemaAttributes(displayName:"First Name")
  derived bool

Whether the attributes used to grant the identity this dimension are derived from the identity profile. This value is always true.


Searching Event Data

The data model for events describes how audit events are stored. Audit events in Search contain first-level fields and second-level fields.

Events are how Identity Security Cloud tracks audit data. Using Search, you can create and download a custom audit report. Refer to Downloading Reports from the Search Interface for details. Refer to our sample data models for an example of an event data model.

Events stay in Search for one year plus the current month. Review the data retention policy in the FAQ for details.

First-Level Fields for Events

In an event's first-level fields, you can find basic metadata about the event.

Field Type Description Example
created date The date the event began, in ISO 8601 format. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. created:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
name string A user-friendly translation of the technical name. name:"Create Source Passed"
operation string The action performed during the event. This is also captured in the technicalName. operation:CREATE
status string The result of the event. status:PASSED
technicalName string The normalized name of the event. This always follows the pattern objects_operation_status. technicalName:SOURCE_CREATE_PASSED
details string When available, a description of the event. details:"User approved access request for app."
type string The type, or classification, of the event. type:SOURCE_MANAGEMENT
id string The technical ID of the event. id:abc1
ipAddress string The IP address of the target system, such as the app a user is signing in to or the source that the user is changing the password for. ipAddress:
objects string The object the event is happening to. In some cases, there is more than one domain object. objects:SOURCE
action string The name of the event as it appeared in legacy audit reports. action:CONNECTOR_CREATE
trackingNumber string The ID of the group of events. Sometimes, this ID will be the same for multiple related events. This tracking number might also match the tracking number for an account activity entry. trackingNumber:abc1

Second-Level Fields for Events

Second-Level Field First-Level Field Type Description Example
actor name string The name of the identity, source, or system that generated this event."Andrew Beck"
target name string The name of the recipient of the event. This can be an identity, source, or system."Active Directory"

Additional information about each event can be found within the second-level field attributes for each event. Because each audit event has a different set of attributes, SailPoint does not document all sub-fields associated with the attributes object.

For example, you might see the following fields within the attributes section in an event:

  • errors - The error message returned when the event is in an error.
  • provisioningResult - The status of a completed provisioning action. This will be either COMMITTED or FAILED.
  • sourceName - The name of the source involved in the event.
  • _before and _after - These are appended to a source configuration field to indicate the values of that field before and after it is changed. For example, clientId_before and clientId_after.

Searching Account Activity Data

The account activity data model covers most activity that Identity Security Cloud completes on a source account. The following types of actions are available in account activity:

  • Access Request - Search on access requests.
  • Account Attribute Update - Search for events that involved updating a single attribute on an account.
  • Account State Update - Search for events that involved locking or unlocking an account on a source.
  • Certification - Search for events involving removing an entitlement from a user as a result of the entitlement being revoked during a certification.
  • Cloud Automated <Lifecyclestate> - Search automated lifecycle state changes that resulted in an identity being assigned to a different lifecycle state. The variable will be replaced with the name of the lifecycle state that identities changed to.
  • Identity Attribute Update - Search on the times when an identity's attribute was updated within Identity Security Cloud as the result of a provisioning action. When updating an identity attribute also updates an identity's lifecycle state, the Cloud Automated action also takes place. Updates to identity attributes that occur as a result of an aggregation are not included in Account Activity.
  • Identity Refresh - Search identity refreshes that happen whenever a user gets a new role, whenever an identity profile is updated, or whenever an app is assigned to users based on that app being assigned to All Users From Source or Specific Users From Source.
  • Lifecycle State Refresh - Search the actions that took place when a lifecycle state was changed. This event only occurs after Cloud Automated <Lifecyclestate> or Lifecycle State Change.
  • Lifecycle State Change - Search account activity that resulted in an identity being manually assigned to a null lifecycle state.
  • Password Change - Search password changes on sources.

When you search on account activity, only the set list of results described above is displayed. Each of those actions represents a specific type of event that occurred in your site.

You can search on attribute sync provisioning events in the Events tab using the query attributes.interface:"AccountAttributeUpdate".

To search for account activity, use the fields contained within the data model. Account activity contains first-level fields, second-level fields, and nested fields.

Completed account actions are stored in Search for 7 days. Review the data retention policy in our FAQ for details.

Refer to our sample data models for an example of an account activity data model.

First-Level Fields for Account Activity

In an account action's first-level fields, you can find basic metadata about the request.

Below the first-level fields, the table contains a list of the second- and nested-level fields available for account actions. Select one of those fields to review the data stored about that object.

Field Type Description Example
action string The action performed. This will always match an action in the list above. action:"Password Change"
status string The overall status of the account activity. status:complete
id string The technical ID of the request. id:acb1
trackingNumber string The tracking number, which is sometimes used for auditing purposes. This tracking number might also match the tracking number for an event entry. trackingNumber:1234
created date The date the action was created in any ISO format that uses YYYY-MM-DD. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. created:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
modified date The date of the last activity related to the action in any ISO 8601 format. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. modified:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z
sources list The sources involved in the account activity. Searching on one source in this list will return all account activity that has that source within the sources list. This field is case sensitive. sources:"Active Directory"
stage string The progress of the action, provided by the source. stage:executing
errors list Any errors that the source provided while completing account actions. errors:"Unable to provision to this source."
warnings list Any warnings the source provided while completing account actions. warnings:"New value equal to old value."
Second-Level Fields
Fields Description

Search for account activity based on data about the system or person that first triggered the actions. This object requires a second-level field.


Search for account activity based on data about the system or person being modified by the account actions. This object requires a second-level field.


Search for account activity based on data about the original action that triggered all individual source actions related to this account action. For example, a lifecycle state change, a role change, a password update, etc. This object requires a nested query.


Search for account activity based on data about each individual source action that was triggered by the original request. This might include an entitlement being granted, an attribute update, a single account being created, etc. This object requires a nested query.


Search for account activity based on the controls that translated the attributeRequests into actual provisioning actions on a source. This object requires a nested query.


Search for account activity based on data about the approvals or rejections performed on an item. This item only applies to access requests. This object requires a nested query.

Second-Level Fields for Account Activity

Second-level fields are a type of object. Each second-level field contains at least one first-level field. They can give you additional information about your identities and their data.

Second-Level Field First-Level Field Type Description Example
requester id string The technical ID of the user or system that requested the action.
name string The display name of the user or system that requested the action.
recipient id string The technical ID of the user or system that the action is modifying. This is sometimes the same as the requester.
name string The display name of the user or system that the action is modifying. This is sometimes the same as the requester.

Nested-Level Fields for Account Activity

If an account action is able to have more than one of a particular type of item, it must be searched with a nested query. Account activity also has originalRequests information, which uses a nested query because it's considered an object, even though an account action can only have one original request item. Account activity's nested objects are described below.

  • originalRequests - The original account action within Identity Security Cloud that triggered all related source actions. For example, a role being granted is an original request.
  • accountRequests - Each account request is a description of the changes made to an individual source. The original request is duplicated here.


    Both originalRequests and accountRequests contain a field called attributeRequests. Each attribute request is a granular description of each individual attribute that must be modified on the source.

  • expansionItems - Each account action will have one expansion item for every attribute request. The expansionItems field is an internal logging mechanism to help SailPoint troubleshoot account activity, and includes details about why each attributeRequest was completed the way it was.

  • approvals - Approval items are present only for access request account actions. They include information about who the reviewers were and any comments they left.

The following table contains a list of all nested objects in account activity and the fields they contain.

Nested Object Second-Level Field First-Level Field Type Description Example
originalRequests   accountId string The account ID of the user on the source that the request was made for. @originalRequests(accountId:sam.smith
  op string The requested operation. This can be create, modify, lock, unlock, enable, disable, or delete. @originalRequests(op:create)
source id string The technical ID of the source that the actions will happen on. @originalRequests(
name string The name of the source that the actions will happen on. @originalRequests("Active Directory")
displayName string The display name of the source that the actions will happen on. @originalRequests(source.displayName:"Active Directory")
type string The type of source that's being modified as the result of these actions. @originalRequests(source.type:"Generic Flat File")
provisioningTarget id string The technical ID of the source that's fulfilling the request. @originalRequests(
name string The display name of the source that's fulfilling the request. @originalRequests("Active Directory")
type string The type of source that's being modified as the result of these actions. @originalRequests(provisioningTarget.type:"Active Directory")
attributeRequests op string The operation for an individual attribute that must be edited. This might be add, set, or remove. @originalRequests(attributeRequests.op:add)
name string The name of the individual attribute that's being updated. @originalRequests(
value string The new value of the attribute that's being updated. @originalRequests(attributeRequests.value:"Bob Dobbs")
accountRequests   accountId string The native identity that the request was made for. @accountRequests(accountId:"cn=I17Manager1,dc=flatfile,dc=endtoend,dc=com")
  op string The requested operation. This can be create, modify, lock, unlock, enable, disable, or delete. @accountRequests(op:enable)
source id string The technical ID of the source that the actions will happen on. @accountRequests(
name string The name of the source that the actions will happen on. @accountRequests("Active Directory")
displayName string The display name of the source that the action will happen on. @accountRequests(source.displayName:"Active Directory")
type string The type of source that's being modified as the result of these actions. @accountRequests(source.type:"Generic Flat File")
provisioningTarget id string The technical ID of the source that's fulfilling the request. @accountRequests(
name string The display name of the source that's fulfilling the request. @accountRequests("Active Directory")
type string The type of source that's being modified as the result of these actions. @accountRequests("Generic Flat File")
result status string The status of the individual action on the specific source. @accountRequests(result.status:retry)
errors string Any errors that the source provided while completing account actions. @accountRequests(result.errors:"There was an error during provisioning.")
warnings string Any warnings that the source provided while completing account actions. @accountRequests(result.warnings:"Warning: Memory running low.")
ticketId string If a ticket has been created in an external system such as ServiceNow to track the provisioning for this request, this is the ticket ID that has been provided to Identity Security Cloud. @accountRequests(result.ticketId:1234)
attributeRequests op string The operation for an individual attribute that must be edited. This might be add, set, or remove. @accountRequests(attributeRequests.op:set)
name string The name of the individual attribute that's being updated. @accountRequests(
value string The new value of the attribute that's being updated. @accountRequests(attributeRequests.value:Jones)
expansionItems   accountId string The unique account identifier for the account being modified. @expansionItems(accountId:Andrew.Beck)
  cause string The internal reason why this attributeRequest is being performed. This can be Role, AttributeSync, AttributeAssignment, or ProvisioningPolicy. @expansionItems(cause:Role)
  name string Additional information about the reason this attributeRequest is being performed. @expansionItems(name:"Accounting Role")
source name string The name of the source that the account being modified is on. @expansionItems(
id string The technical ID of the source the account being modified is on. @expansionItems(
type string The type of source that the account being modified is on. @expansionItems(source.type:"Active Directory")
attributeRequest op string The operation for an individual attribute that must be edited. This might be add, set, or remove. @expansionItems(attributeRequest.op:set)
name string The name of the individual attribute being updated on the source. @expansionItems(
value string The new value of the attribute being updated. @expansionItems(attributeRequest.value:"Accounting Manager")
approvals   workItemId string The technical ID of the approval item. @approvals(workItemId:abc1)
  created date The date that the approval item was created. @approvals(created:2018-08-13)
  modified date The date that the approval item was last modified in any ISO 8601 format. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. @approvals(modified:2018-08-16T18\:29\:02Z)
  result string The status of the approval item. This can be Finished or Rejected. @approvals(result:finished)
comments commenter string The display name of the user who left the comment. @approvals(comments.commenter:bob.smith)
comment string The comment that was left on the approval item. @approvals(comments.comment:"This access is privileged and is not appropriate for this requester.")
date date The date that the comment was left in any ISO 8601 format. If you want to include the time in your search query, escape the : characters using a \. @approvals(\:29\:02Z)
owner name string The name of the reviewer of the access request. @approvals(
id string The technical ID of the reviewer of the access request. @approvals(

To learn more about putting fields and terms together into search queries, read Building a Search Query.

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