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Certification Campaign Status Information and Reports

You can review various reports about a certification campaign to learn more about it. All reports are available for active or completed campaigns. When you delete a campaign, its reports are deleted as well.

Viewing Certification Campaign Reports

  1. Go to Admin > Certifications > Campaigns to display a list of active campaigns. Select All from the left pane to view all campaigns.

  2. Select the Actions icon > Download Reports for a campaign.


    You can also download a report by selecting Download Reports on the campaign's preview page.

  3. In the Download Campaign Reports window, select the Download icon next to the report you want to download.

  4. Select CSV or PDF to generate your preferred file type.


    PDF reports may display additional information, such as a summary or chart of your data.

  5. After the report has generated, select Download to download and view the file.

    This file reflects the most recent status of the campaign. If changes are made to the campaign, you must generate the report again to see the latest changes.

Campaign Composition Report

This report describes the configuration of the certification campaign, including the name, description, due date, email settings, and campaign filter used for any certification campaign. This report is not available for campaigns that use exclusion rules created by SailPoint support.

Column Description
Campaign ID A unique identifier for the campaign.
Campaign Name The campaign name you entered when you created the campaign. This field cannot be empty.
Type The reviewer of the campaign. If you use the original campaign creation method, this will either show Manager or Source Owner. If you create a campaign using search, this will show either Access Owner or Manager.
Date of Creation The date and time the campaign was created. The time is displayed in GMT.
Date of Activation The date and time the campaign was activated. The time is displayed in GMT.
Description The description you entered when you created the campaign. This field can be empty.
Deadline The date by which the reviewer is supposed to review certifications.
Email Notifications Whether email notifications to the reviewer are enabled or disabled.
Campaign Filter Name The name of campaign filter used. The default is Exclude Uncorrelated Accounts.
Filter Type A configuration option on the campaign filter. The filter type is either Inclusion or Exclusion.
Search Terms If the campaign was created using the original process, this field will show NA. If the campaign was created using Search, this field will show the query you used.
Filter Description Description of the campaign filter used. This field can be empty.
Sources For source owner certification campaigns, a list of the sources included. For all other campaigns, this field will be All.
Undecided Access Selection The selection made at the time of campaign creation to maintain access to undecided items or to choose to maintain or revoke access to undecided items. For campaigns created before February 14, 2018, this column will default to Approve.

Campaign Exclusion Report

This report shows details for entitlements that were excluded from the campaign by a campaign filter.

Campaign Status Report​

This report contains the status of all access items in the campaign. The report name includes the date and time the report was generated. The time is displayed in GMT.

Column Description
Campaign Name The name of the campaign.
Access Review The name of the certification; this refers to the collection of access review items specific to the reviewer in a campaign.
Reviewer The person currently assigned to review the certification.
Identity The person whose access is being reviewed.
Type The type of item being certified: Entitlement, Access Profile, or Role.
Source The source of the account being reviewed.
Owner The administrator responsible for the source.
Account Name The display name of the account the entitlement belongs to.
Entitlement Name The attribute name for the entitlement; often Groups or memberOf. If the Type is Access Profile, this column is blank.
Display Name The display name of the entitlement or access profile being certified. If there is no display name for an entitlement, it shows the entitlement value.
Description The description of the entitlement.
Decision Made The status of the access item under review: Open, Complete, or Error.
Decision Indicates whether the reviewer approved, revoked, or acknowledged the access item.
Decision Comments This column contains any comments left by the reviewer about their Approve, Revoke, or Acknowledge decisions.
Decision Maker This is typically the same as the reviewer, with the following exceptions: If the entitlement was reviewed by someone and then the certification was reassigned to someone else, this could be the name of the original reviewer. Or, if a Cert Admin or Org Admin makes a decision on a certification item, they are listed as the decision maker for audit purposes, even if they are not the assigned reviewer.
Decision Date The date and time the decision was made. The time is displayed in GMT.
Revoke Completed Indicates whether a revoked item has been removed from the user's access. Roles will always be false as they cannot be revoked.
Comments This column clarifies issues with the status of the report. If changes to access items occur while the campaign is running, the following errors may display as comments:
  • The account was deleted or changed before the campaign was completed.
  • All entitlements were revoked prior to completion of the campaign.

Campaign Remediation Status Report​

This report is available after an administrator has completed a campaign. It contains the current state of any items that were disapproved during the certification campaign.

Column Description
Identity The person whose access is being reviewed.
Type The type of item being certified: Entitlement or Access Profile.
Source The source of the account being reviewed.
Source Owner The owner of the source.
Account Name The name of the account the entitlement belongs to.
Entitlement Name The attribute name for the entitlement; often Groups or memberOf. If the Type is Access Profile, this column is blank.
Display Name The display name of the entitlement or access profile being certified. If there is no display name for an entitlement, it shows the entitlement value.
Description A description of the entitlement.
Decision Comments This column contains any comments left by the reviewer about their Approve, Revoke, or Acknowledge decisions.
Status Whether the access item has been revoked on the source.
Recipient The person the revoked item has been assigned to. This is the source owner.
Requester The person who decided to revoke the item in the certification. This is either the manager or the source owner.
Completed The time when the system verified the remediation via the remediation scan. The scan uses GMT.
Comments This column clarifies any issues with the status of the report. For example, if the account was deleted or changed before the campaign was completed, that would be denoted here.

Certification Sign Off Report​

This report lists each active and completed certification. Certifications that have been approved are listed at the top of the report and include the reviewer and the date they signed off on the certification.

Column Description
Name The name of the certification.
Reviewer The user who signed off on the certification. This user is usually the owner; however, the reviewer may be an administrator if:
  • the administrator reassigned the certification.
  • the administrator completed the campaign after the due date.
  • a certification was generated but is empty.
Activated The date and time the administrator began the campaign. The time is displayed in GMT.
First Action Date The date and time a user made the first decision for a certification. The time is displayed in GMT.
Sign Off Date The date and time the reviewer selected the Sign Off button. The time is displayed in GMT.
Owner The person to whom the certification is assigned.

Documentation Feedback

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