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Connecting AWS and CIEM

Once you have configured your AWS account, you can connect it to display the total effective access users have to your cloud systems and resources. To display this data, you must use the AWS IAM and CIEM AWS connectors.

AWS IAM connector Allows you to manage your AWS IAM users and groups in Identity Security Cloud.

If your organization has licensed a SailPoint cloud management solution, it will also gather data about the cloud access granted to users through policies, roles, organization unit, and AWS accounts.
SailPoint CIEM AWS connector Works with your AWS IAM connector to collect cloud resource data and display the total access an identity has to your cloud systems.

FedRamp Limitations

SailPoint CIEM FedRamp customers can register a maximum of 650 AWS member accounts.

You may connect your AWS IAM and SailPoint CIEM AWS sources in any order.

After you've connected and aggregated your cloud accounts and entitlements, you will mark your IAM and AWS Identity Center (if using) entitlements as cloud enabled. This will allow you to view the cloud access granted through entitlements and include those entitlements in certification campaigns.

Connecting AWS IAM

Follow the directions to connect your AWS IAM governance source.

You will then use the SailPoint CIEM AWS connector to display all access users have to your cloud resources.

Connecting SailPoint CIEM AWS

The SailPoint CIEM AWS source pulls daily data about the cloud resources users can access. Users can be IAM, AWS Identity Center, Azure IDP, or Okta IDP.

You can use the information from verifying your configuration to register SailPoint CIEM:

  1. Go to Admin > Connections > Sources > Create New.
  2. Find the CIEM AWS source type and select Configure.
  3. Enter a source name.
  4. Enter a description for your source.
  5. In the Source Owner field, begin typing the name of an owner. Matches appear after you type two letters.
  6. (Optional) Select a governance group for source management.
  7. Select Connection Settings.
  8. Enter the Role ARN for the role generated when creating an IAM role. If you are using AWS Organizations, the role ARN should correspond to the management account’s role ARN.
  9. Enter the External ID generated when creating an IAM role.
  10. (Optional) Enter the CloudTrail ARN for an organization or individual member account. You can add up to 150 CloudTrail ARNs, separated by commas.

    • If your organization is using a different CloudTrail events S3 bucket from this member account, enter the Account ID for the CloudTrail Bucket Account you are using.
  11. If the source uses a single account (as opposed to the organization account), select the Single Account toggle.

  12. If you are using the Identity Center directory as your identity source, as opposed to Active Directory or another external IdP, select the Provision Identity Center toggle to enable provisioning of Identity Center accounts.


    Password provisioning is not supported as the IdentityStore API does not support updating a user’s password.

  13. Select Save.

  14. Select Review and Test.
  15. Review the configuration details and select Test Connection. A successful test is required for SailPoint CIEM to gather data for this source.


    CloudTrail ARNs are tested asynchronously. If a CloudTrail cannot be connected, an error will display in the event logs.

    If the test connection fails, you can use the Search query name:“Test_connection Source Failed” for more information.

  16. (Optional) Enable native change detection. You can monitor your AWS Identity Center Groups and AccountPermissionSet entitlement attributes for changes made outside of Identity Security Cloud, as well as non-entitlement attributes.

  17. Select Save.

After a successful test connection, you can set the source scope or move on to managing your cloud accounts and entitlements.

Setting Source Scope

By default, SailPoint CIEM reads and automatically discovers changes to your cloud infrastructure, which are displayed in the Cloud Scopes section of your SailPoint CIEM source configuration. You can choose to exclude scopes to prevent SailPoint CIEM from including data for those accounts.

To change the scope of your included source data:

  1. In the CIEM AWS source, select Cloud Scopes under Aggregation and Provisioning.
  2. Use the checkboxes to change which accounts are included. Removing a scope disables Auto-Include Scopes.
  3. Select Save.

SailPoint CIEM will now only read and include data from your selected scopes. When Auto-Include Scopes is disabled, new and deleted accounts in your cloud system will be detected, but they will not be automatically included in your SailPoint CIEM data until you select them individually or reenable Auto-Include Scopes.


  • You can search for scopes as well as filter by selected and unselected scopes.
  • The Last Refreshed time is when changes to your source inventory were last detected by SailPoint CIEM. This is separate from aggregation.

When you finish selecting your source scopes, you will then need to manage your AWS entitlements.

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