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Work Reassignment Updated Email Template

When a new work reassignment configuration is saved, both the user whose work is being reassigned and the person who will receive the work assignments are notified. This Work Reassignment Updated email template is used if the new configuration overrides an existing configuration for the same user and work type. If it doesn't, the Work Reassignment Created email is sent instead.

Name: Work Reassignment Updated

Subject: New Automatic Reassignment for ${newConfig.reassignedFromName}


#set($_startDate = $__dateTool.toDate("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", ${newConfig.startDate})) 
#set($_formattedStartDate = $__dateTool.format("EEEEE, MMMMM dd, YYYY", $_startDate)) 
#set($_endDate = $__dateTool.toDate("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", ${newConfig.endDate})) 
#set($_formattedEndDate = $__dateTool.format("EEEEE, MMMMM dd, YYYY", $_endDate))
${newConfig.modifiedByName} has configured automatic reassignment of ${newConfig.configType} from ${newConfig.reassignedFromName} to ${newConfig.reassignedToName} starting on ${_formattedStartDate} #if( ${newConfig.endDate} != "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z") and ending on ${_formattedEndDate}. #else with no end date. #end


The details which can be included in this email message are provided in two variables which contain several attributes each.

Name Type Description
oldConfig Map Details of the work reassignment configuration prior to this change.
newConfig Map New work reassignment configuration details.

Attributes of each of these variables are as follows:

Name Type Description
reassignedFromId String Unique ID of the identity whose work is being reassigned.
reassignedFromName String Name of the identity whose work is being reassigned.
reassignedToId String Unique ID of the identity receiving the reassignments.
reassignedToName String Name of the identity receiving the reassignments.
configType String Type of work being reassigned: Access Requests, Certifications, Tasks.
createdByName String Name of the identity who created the original reassignment config.
modifiedByName String In newConfig, name of the identity who updated the reassignment config.
In oldConfig, name of the identity who most recently updated the reassignment config prior to this change.
startDate String (ISO date format) Start date-time of the reassignment period.
endDate String (ISO date format) End date-time of the reassignment period.

To reference these values in the email message, use the pattern: ${variableName.attributeName}. For example: ${newConfig.reassignedFromName}.