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Non-Employee End Date Reminder Email Template

The Non-Employee End Date Reminder email is sent to all account managers of a non-employee source to notify them that one or more non-employees has an end date approaching.

This email is only used for non-employee identities created through a Non-Employee source.

Name: Non-Employee End Date Reminder

Subject: Reminder: The end date for $data.expiringNonEmployees.size() non-employee#if($data.expiringNonEmployees.size()>1)s#end is in 7 days


#set($_sourceName = $data.sourceName)
#set($_expiringNonEmployees = $data.expiringNonEmployees)
#set($_productName = $__global.productName)
#set($_nonEmployeeSourceUrl = "${__global.productUrl}/ui/d/dashboard/non-employees/sources/$data.sourceId")

#macro( showName $_nonEmployee )
$_nonEmployee.firstName $_nonEmployee.lastName ($_nonEmployee.accountName)
<p>You are receiving this email because you're listed as an account manager for the non-employee source $_sourceName in $_productName.</p>

#if ($_expiringNonEmployees.size()==1)
<p>The end date for the non-employee #showName($_expiringNonEmployees[0]) is in 7 days.</p>
<p>Your admin may have configured these non-employees to lose access to $_productName on their end date.</p>
#elseif ($_expiringNonEmployees.size()>1)
<p>The <bold>end date</bold> for $_expiringNonEmployees.size() non-employees in $_productName is in <bold>7</bold> days.</p>
<p>Your admin may have configured these non-employees to lose access to $_productName on their end date. The following users are included in this list:</p>

#foreach($_expireNonEmployee in $_expiringNonEmployees)
#if($foreach.count==21) #break #end

#if ($_expiringNonEmployees.size()> 20)
#set($_additionalExpireNonEmployee = $_expiringNonEmployees.size() - 20)
<p>The complete list includes $_additionalExpireNonEmployee additional#if($_additionalExpireNonEmployee==1) identity#else identities#end. Visit the $_sourceName <a href="$_nonEmployeeSourceUrl">account list</a> to view the complete list.</p>

<p>You can change the end date for#if($_expiringNonEmployees.size()==1) this#else these#end and other users in the <a href="$_nonEmployeeSourceUrl">$_sourceName source</a> in $_productName.  </p>

When this email is sent to users, the message body will also include:

  • A header that says "Dear $,"
  • A footer that says "Thanks, The $__global.productName Team"


None. All variable content is provided through global variables.