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Non-Employee Account Review Email Template

The Non-Employee Account Review email is sent to a user when a request for a non-employee account has been submitted that requires their attention. The email's recipient can approve or deny the request.

This email is only used for non-employee identities created through a Non-Employee source.

Name: Non-Employee Account Review

Subject: Review the non-employee account requested for ${data.firstName} ${data.lastName}


#set($_sourceName = $
#set($_requestedForDisplayName = "${data.firstName} ${data.lastName}")
#set($_pendingApprovalItem = $__util.getObjectByJsonPath($__contentJson, "$.data.approvalItems[?(@.approvalStatus == 'PENDING')]").get(0))
#set($_approvedApprovalItems = $__util.getObjectByJsonPath($__contentJson, "$.data.approvalItems[?(@.approvalStatus == 'APPROVED')]"))
#set($_notReadyApprovalItems = $__util.getObjectByJsonPath($__contentJson, "$.data.approvalItems[?(@.approvalStatus == 'NOT_READY')]"))
#set($_requester = $__util.getUser($

<p>$ has requested a new non-employee account for $_requestedForDisplayName on the source $_sourceName.</p>
#set($_approvalCenterUrl = "${__global.productUrl}/ui/d/approvals/requested-items")
<p>Please visit the <a href="$_approvalCenterUrl">Approvals center</a> to review this request.</p>

<p>#foreach($_approvedItem in $_approvedApprovalItems)#if($foreach.count!=1) and #end$__util.getUser($ have approved this account.</p>
<p>#foreach($_notReadyApprovalItem in $_notReadyApprovalItems)#if($foreach.count!=1) and #end$__util.getUser($ will review this account request if you approve it.</p>


#if($_pendingApprovalItem.approvalOrder == $data.approvalItems.size() - 1)

<p>If you approve this non-employee account request, an account for $_requestedForDisplayName with the account ID $data.accountName will be created in $__global.productName.</p>

When this email is sent to users, the message body will also include:

  • A header that says "Dear $,"
  • A footer that says "Thanks, The $__global.productName Team"


None. All variable content is provided through global variables.