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Non-Employee Account Request Email Template

The Non-Employee Account Request email is sent to a user to confirm that their request for a new non-employee account was successfully submitted. The email also explains the review process, if there are account reviewers for this non-employee source.

This email is only used for non-employee identities created through a Non-Employee source.

Name: Non-Employee Account Request

Subject: You've requested a non-employee account for ${data.firstName} ${data.lastName}


#set($_sourceName = $
#set($_approverIds = $__util.getObjectByJsonPath($__contentJson, '$.data.approvalItems[*]'))

<p>Dear $,<br><br></p>
<p>Your request for a non-employee account for $data.accountName on the source $_sourceName was successfully submitted.</p>
#if($_approverIds.size() > 0) 
#if($_approverIds.size() == 1) 
<p>$__util.getUser($_approverIds[0]).name must approve this account request before it can be added to the source.</p>
#elseif($_approverIds.size() > 1)
<p>The following reviewers must approve this account request before it can be added to the source:</p>
<ul>#foreach($_approverId in $_approverIds)
<p>You will be notified when a decision is made about this account request. You can check the status of your request by clicking Manage Non-Employees on the dashboard and viewing the $_sourceName source.</p>
<p>This account will be added to $_sourceName shortly. You can check its status by clicking Manage Non-Employees on the dashboard and viewing the $_sourceName source.</p>
#end <p><br>Thanks,<br>The $__global.productName Team</p> 

When this email is sent to users, the message body will also include:

  • A header that says "Dear $,"
  • A footer that says "Thanks, The $__global.productName Team"


None. All variable content is provided through global variables.

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