Non-Employee Account Request Result Email Template
The Non-Employee Account Request Result email is sent to a user to inform them that a decision has been made about the non-employee account they requested.
This email is only used for non-employee identities created through a Non-Employee source.
Name: Non-Employee Account Request Result
Subject: Your non-employee account request for ${data.firstName} ${data.lastName} was $data.approvalStatus
#set($_sourceName = $
#set($_userDisplayName = "${data.firstName} ${data.lastName}")
#set($_approvalStatus = $__contentJson.get('data').get('approvalStatus'))
#set($_createdDate = $__dateTool.toDate("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX", $data.created))
<p>Dear $,<br><br></p>
<p>On $__dateTool.format('yyyy-MM-dd', $_createdDate), you requested a non-employee account for $_userDisplayName on the source $_sourceName.</p>
#if($_approvalStatus == "APPROVED")
<p>This request has been <span style="color: green;">approved</span>. A new $__global.productName account for this user is being processed. The user name for this account will be $data.accountName.</p>
#elseif ($_approvalStatus == "REJECTED") #foreach($item in $__contentJson.get('data').get('approvalItems')) #if($item.get("approvalStatus") == "REJECTED") #set($_completionDate = $__dateTool.toDate("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX", $data.completionDate)) #set($_rejectorName = $__util.getUser($
<p>$_rejectorName <span style="color: red;">denied</span> your request on $__dateTool.format('yyyy-MM-dd', $_completionDate).</p>
<p>Please contact $_rejectorName if you have any questions.</p>
#end #end #elseif ($_approvalStatus == "CANCELLED")
<p>This request has been <strong>cancelled</strong> because one or more reviewers in the review process has been removed from the system.</p>
<p>You can resubmit the request in $__global.productName.</p>
<p>#end #foreach($item in $__contentJson.get("data").get("approvalItems")) #if($_approvalStatus == "REJECTED") $__util.getUser($ provided the following additional information: <br><strong>$item.comment</strong> <br>#elseif($item.get("comment") != $null) $__util.getUser($ provided the following additional information: <br><strong>$item.comment</strong> <br>#end #end<br>Thanks,<br>The $__global.productName Team</p>
When this email is sent to users, the message body will also include:
- A header that says "Dear $,"
- A footer that says "Thanks, The $__global.productName Team"
None. All variable content is provided through global variables.
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