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Access Sunset Date Reminder Email Template

The Access Sunset Date Reminder email is sent to a user to remind them that their access to an item is coming to an end. The reminder is sent 7 days prior to the scheduled sunset date. Another email will not be sent after the sunset date has passed.

Name: Access Sunset Date Reminder

Subject: Reminder: Access End Date Approaching


Dear ${recipientName},

Your access to the '${accessItemName}' ${accessItemType} is scheduled to end on ${scheduledSunsetDate}.

If you still need access to '${accessItemName},' you will need to extend the duration of the access by modifying the access expiration date.

Please contact the ${PRODUCT_NAME} administrator if you have any questions.




This email template uses version 1 global variables and the following template-specific attributes:

Name Type Description
accessItemName String The name of the access item that is expiring.
accessItemType String The type of access item that is expiring.
recipientName String The name of the user whose access is ending.
scheduledSunsetDate Date The date when the access item will expire.