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Access Profile Owner Approval Notification Email Template

The Access Profile Owner Approval Notification email is sent to access profile owners when their access profile is granted to a user as a result of a role request.

Name: Access Profile Owner Approval Notification

Subject: A user has been granted ${accessProfileName} via a role request


Dear ${},
${requesterName}'s request for the role ${requestedRoleName}#if($requesterName != $requestedForIdentityName) for ${requestedForIdentityName}#end has been <b>approved</b>. 

${requestedForIdentityName} has been granted all access profiles contained in that role, including ${accessProfileName}.#if($removeDate) ${requesterName}’s access to ${accessProfileName} is scheduled to end on ${removeDate}.#end You are receiving this email because you are listed as the owner of ${accessProfileName}.



This email template uses version 1 global variables and the following template-specific attributes:

Name Type Description
accessProfileName String The name of the access profile granted by the request.
removeDate String The date on which this access will be removed.
requestedForIdentityName String The name of the identity the role was requested for.
requestedRoleName String The name of the role that contains the access profile that was granted.
requesterName String The name of the user who requested the role.