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User Password Changed Email Template

The User Password Changed email is sent when a user from any source that doesn't use pass-through authentication changes their Identity Security Cloud password.


This template is used for all password changes. This includes user and application password changes.

Name: User Password Changed

Subject: ATTENTION: Your ${PRODUCT_NAME} password update #if (${sourceFailedCount}) #if (${sourceFailedCount} > 0) failed #else was successful #end #else was successful #end


<p>Dear ${},<p>
#if (${appCount}) #if (${appCount} > 0) #if (${appCount} > 1) #if (${appFailedCount} > 0)
<p>Your password was changed for the following apps which share a password:</p>
<p>Your password has been changed for the following apps which share a password:</p>
#end #else #if (${appFailedCount} > 0)
<p>Your password was changed for app:</p>
<p>Your password has been changed for app:</p>
#end #end
<p>#foreach ($item in ${appList}) $item<br>#end</p>
#end #else
<!-- If not part of a source, we must be an admin, state sailpoint was updated. -->
#if (${sourceCount} == 0)
<!-- Only display when three are no errors. -->
#if (${sourceFailedCount} == 0)
<p><br>Your password has been changed in ${PRODUCT_NAME}<br><br></p>
#end #end
<!-- We updated a source(s), no failures no apps, state sailpoint was updated. Flat file case. -->
#if (${sourceCount} > 0) #if (${appFailedCount} == 0)
<!-- Only display when three are no errors. -->
#if (${appCount} == 0)
<p><br>Your password has been changed in ${PRODUCT_NAME}<br><br></p>
#end #end #end #end #if (${appFailedCount} > 0) #if (${appFailedCount} > 1)
<!-- If no sources were updated, use the other sentence. -->
#if (${sourceCount} > 0)
<p>However, your password failed to update for the following apps which also shares the password:</p>
<p>Your password failed to update for the following apps which also shares the password:</p>
#end #else
<!-- If no sources were updated, use the other sentence. -->
#if (${sourceCount} > 0)
<p>However, your password failed to update for the following app which also shares the password:</p>
<p>Your password failed to update for the following app which also shares the password:</p>
#end #end
<p>#foreach ($item in ${appFailedList}) $item<br>#end</p>
<!-- The source failed to update and the source has no apps for this user. -->
#if (${sourceFailedCount}) #if (${sourceFailedCount} > 0)
<!-- If no sources were updated, use the other sentence. -->
#if (${appCount} > 0)
<p>However, your password failed to update for all the systems that share the password.</p>
<p>Your password failed to update.</p>
#end #end #end #end #if (${appFailedCount} > 0) #if (${appFailedCount} > 1)
<p>Please try again to change your password on any of these apps. This change will apply to all apps in this email.</p>
<p>Please try again to change your password on this app. This change will apply to all apps in this email.</p>
#end #else
<!-- The source failed to update and the source has no apps for this user. -->
#if (${sourceFailedCount}) #if (${sourceFailedCount} > 0)
<p>Please try to change your password again. This change will apply to all systems and apps that share your password.</p>
#end #end #end
<p>If you did not make this change please contact your IT administrator immediately.</p>
<p>Thanks,<br>The ${PRODUCT_NAME} Team</p>


This email template uses version 1 global variables and the following template-specific attributes:

Name Type Description
appCount String The count of the apps that successfully were updated.
appFailedCount String The count of apps that failed to update.
appFailedList Array The list of app names that failed to update.
appList Array The list of app names that successfully were updated.
sourceCount String The count of sources that successfully updated.
sourceFailedCount String The count of sources that failed to update.
sourceFailedList Array The list of source names that failed to update.
sourceList Array The list of source names that successfully updated.
user User The recipient of the email.

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