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New Account Provisioned Email Template

The New Account Provisioned email is sent to a user when a new account is created for them on a source as a result of a provisioning action. If more than one source account is created for the user in a single provisioning action, these emails are sent after the final account is created and any IdentityNow tasks are marked complete. This notification can be enabled for each source through the Update Source (Partial) endpoint. Update the accountCreateNotifications object in the connectorAttribute object.


  • The global variable user is not available for this email template. All other global variables are available. If you need to include user data in this email template, use the identity variable provided to this template.
  • If you provision a new account for a user on a flat-file source and mark the IdentityNow task complete before the source is aggregated, the email will always use the native identity attribute as the username for the source in the email.

Name: New Account Provisioned

Subject: ${source} - A New Account Has Been Created For ${username}



<p>The ${PRODUCT_NAME} system has created an account for ${username} on the ${source} system. Here are the details about this account:</p>

<p>User Name: <strong>${accountUserName}</strong></p>

<p>Access: <br>

#foreach ($access in $accountAccess) <li>$access</li> <br/>

#end </p>

<p>If you have any questions, contact your administrator.</p>

<p>Thanks,<br/> The ${PRODUCT_NAME} Team </p>


This email template uses version 1 global variables and the following template-specific attributes:

Name Type Description
accountAccess List The entitlements associated with the account.
accountIdAttribute String The attribute in the source that's used for the account ID.
accountUserName String The unique identifier for the source account.
identity Identity The identity being provisioned an account. You can include this identity's attributes in the message by adding a period and the name of the attribute. For example, to use an identity's display name in this email, use the variable identity.displayName.
source String The source the account was created on.
username String The user's IdentityNow user name.