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Access Request Submitted Email for Requester After Validation Email Template

The Access Request Submitted Email for Requester After Validation email is sent to the requester to notify them which access requests were successfully submitted and which failed during the validation process. For example, if a user already has access to one of the requested access items, that specific request will fail.

Name: Access Request Submitted Email for Requester After Validation

Subject: Your request for access for #if ($requestDetails && $requestDetails.size() == 1) $requestDetails.get(0).identityName #elseif ($requestDetails.size() > 1) $requestDetails.size() identities #end was submitted.


<p>Dear ${},</p>
<p>You've requested access for the following identities:</p>
<p>#foreach ( $requestDetail in $requestDetails ) <strong>${requestDetail.identityName}:</strong><br>#set ($successDetails = $requestDetail.getSuccessDetails()) #if ($successDetails && $successDetails.size() > 0) The following item(s) was requested successfully:</p>
#foreach ( $typeEntry in $objectTypeToPrettyPrint.entrySet() ) #set ($type = $typeEntry.getKey()) #set ($prettyType = $typeEntry.getValue()) #set ($objectDetails = {}) #set ($objectDetails = ${successDetails.get($type)}) #if ( $objectDetails.size() > 0 )
<li>$prettyType: #foreach ($requestedObjectDetail in $objectDetails)
<li>${requestedObjectDetail.objectName} #if($requestedObjectDetail.removeDate) (Access Sunset Date: $spTools.formatOffsetDateTimeForEmail($requestedObjectDetail.removeDate)$spTools.formatDate($requestedObjectDetail.removeDate,"MM/dd/yyyy") ) )#end</li>
#end #end
<p>#end #set ($exclusionDetails = $requestDetail.getExclusionDetails()) #if ($exclusionDetails && $exclusionDetails.size() > 0) Your request for the following item(s) <strong>failed</strong>:</p>
<ul>#foreach ( $typeEntry in $objectTypeToPrettyPrint.entrySet() ) #set ($type = $typeEntry.getKey()) #set ($prettyType = $typeEntry.getValue()) #set ($objectDetails = {}) #set ($objectDetails = ${exclusionDetails.get($type)}) #if ( $objectDetails.size() > 0 )
<li>$prettyType: #foreach ($requestedObjectDetail in $objectDetails)
<li>${requestedObjectDetail.objectName} #if ($requestedObjectDetail.exclusionReason) ($requestedObjectDetail.exclusionReason) #end</li>
#end #end
#end #end
<p>Thanks,<br>The ${PRODUCT_NAME} Team</p>


This email template uses version 1 global variables and the following template-specific attributes:

Name Type Description
objectTypeToPrettyPrint Map A map of details about the requested object type to their display name.
requestDetails List A list of the access request details.
requestedObjectDetail.sourceInformation List A list of objects representing the accounts where the access has been provisioned, including the following:

    sourceName - The name of the source.

    sourceAccountName - The name of the account on the source.

    sourceAccountId - The ID of the account on the source.

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