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Access Revoke Request Submitted Email For Requested-For Identity Email Template

The Access Revoke Request Submitted Email For Requested-For Identity email is sent to the identity whose access is being reviewed in an access revoke request.

Name: Access Revoke Request Submitted Email For Requested-For Identity

Subject: $requesterName Has Requested to Revoke Your Access.


Dear ${requestedForIdentityName},

$requesterName has requested removal of your access from the following items.
If approvals are required, you will be notified when a decision is made about this access.

#foreach ( $type in ${requestedObjectDetailsByType.keySet()} ) $type:

    - #foreach ( $detail in ${requestedObjectDetailsByType.get($type)} )
    - ${} #if($detail.removeDate) (Access Sunset Date: ${detail.removeDate}) #end
    - #end


If you need more information about this request, please contact $requesterName for assistance.



This email template uses version 1 global variables and the following template-specific attributes:

Name Type Description
requestedObjectDetailsByType   Map A list of details about each item requested to be revoked, in order of the object type.
requestedObjectNamesByType Map The names of each item requested to be revoked, in order of the object type.
requesterName String The identity who submitted the access revoke request.