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Access Request for Other Email Template

The Access Request for Other emails is sent to a user to confirm that they've successfully submitted an access request for someone else.

Name: Access Request for Other

Subject: ${requesterName} Has Requested Access on Your Behalf


Dear ${},

${requesterName} has requested the following access on your behalf:

#foreach ( $type in ${requestedObjectNamesByType.keySet()} ) $type:

-   #foreach ( $name in ${requestedObjectNamesByType.get($type)} )
-   $name
-   #if($removeDate) {scheduledSunsetDate}

-   #end




This email template uses version 1 global variables and the following template-specific attributes:

Name Type Description
requestedObjectDetailsByType Map A list of the details about each item requested, in order of the object type.
requestedObjectNamesByType Map The names of each item requested, in order of the object type.
requesterName String The display name of the identity who submitted the request.