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Access Request Decision Email Template

The Access Request Decision email is sent to a user when an access request they made is approved or denied.

Name: Access Request Decision

Subject: Your Access Request for {accessProfileName} has Been #if(approved)Approved#{else}Denied#end


Dear ${},
Your request for the ${requestedObjectName} #if(${requestedObjectType}=="Role") role #elseif(${requestedObjectType}=="Entitlement") entitlement #else access profile #end #if($requesterName != $requestedForIdentityName) for ${requestedForIdentityName}#end has been #else

Your request for ${accessProfileName}#if($requesterName != $requestedForIdentityName) for ${requestedForIdentityName}#end has been #end #if ($approved)approved#{else}denied#end.

#if(${roleRequestEnabled}) #if($approved && $accessibleItems && $accessibleItems.size() > 0) This means #if($requesterName != $requestedForIdentityName) the user now has #else you now have #end access to the following: #set($sep="") #foreach($item in $accessibleItems) $sep$item #set($sep=", ") #end. #end #end #if (!$approved && $reviewerComment)
${rejecterName} included the following comment when denying the access: $reviewerComment

#end #if ($approved) #if ($removeDate)
Your access to ${requestedObjectName} is scheduled to end on ${removeDate}.

#end #end #if (!$approved)
Please contact ${rejecterName} if you have any questions.




This email template uses version 1 global variables and the following template-specific attributes:

Name Type Description
accessibleItems List A list of items the user can access as a result of their request being approved.
accessProfileName String The access profile that was requested during this access request.
approved Boolean Whether or not the request was approved.
approverName String The display name of the identity that approved the request.
rejecterName User If applicable, the name of the reviewer who rejected this access request.
removeDate String The date on which the access will be removed.
requestedForIdentityName User The name of the user for whom access was requested.
requestedObjectName String The name of item that was requested.
requestedObjectType String The type of item that was requested.
requesterName String The display name of the identity that requested the app.
reviewerComment String The comments the reviewer enters when they deny access, if applicable.
roleRequestEnabled Boolean Whether the role request feature is enabled for a site.