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Access Request Cancelled Email Template

The Access Request Cancelled email is sent when a pending access request is canceled before it has been approved and provisioned.

The Access Request Cancelled email is sent to:

  • The user who would have received the access if the request hadn't been canceled.
  • Any approvers who have already made a decision on the pending access request.
  • Any approvers who have a pending decision on the access request.


Comments are required when canceling a pending access request.

Name: Access Request Cancelled

Subject: Pending Access Request has been cancelled


Dear $emailRecipientName,

#if($emailRecipientName == $requesterName) Your #else The #end pending request of the following item(s) #if($isRobo) for #if($emailRecipientName == $requestedForName) you #else $requestedForName #end #end has been cancelled #if($cancelerName != $emailRecipientName) by ${cancelerName} #end.

#foreach ( $type in ${requestedObjectDetailsByType.keySet()} ) $type:

- #foreach ( $detail in ${requestedObjectDetailsByType.get($type)} )
- ${} #if($detail.removeDate) (Access Sunset Date: ${detail.removeDate}) #end
- #end


#if($emailRecipientName == $cancelerName) You #else ${cancelerName} #end gave the following reason for cancelling the request: <b>$cancelComment</b> #if($emailRecipientName != $cancelerName)

Please contact ${cancelerName} if you have any questions.




This email template uses version 1 global variables and the following template-specific attributes:

Name Type Description
cancelComment String The reason for canceling the request.
cancelerName String The name of the user who canceled the request.
emailRecipientName String The name of the email recipient.
isRobo Boolean Whether the request was made on the behalf of another user.
requestedForName String The name of the user for whom access was requested.
requestedObjectDetailsByType Map A list of details about each item requested, in order of the object type (access profile, entitlement, or role).
requestedObjectNamesByType Map The names of each item requested, in order of the object type (access profile, entitlement, or role).
requesterName String The name of the user who requested the access.