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SaaS Management integrates directly with Zoom, so you can view all user activity within the application. The integration gives you the usage data you need to make informed decisions on inactive licenses and any renewal or purchasing options. For example, you can view data on user logins and meetings to help identify which users are using the application.

Integrating with Zoom

You must have a role with the required permissions to integrate Zoom with SaaS Management.


Before you integrate the applications, make sure you have signed out of your individual company account and are signed in to the appropriate service account with the required permissions.

  1. From the SaaS Management navigation menu, select Integrations.
  2. Select the Zoom tile.
  3. Select Add Integration.
  4. On the Zoom login page, enter your credentials and select Sign In.
  5. In the new window, review the requested permissions.
  6. Select Authorize to accept the requested permissions and complete the integration.

It can take up to 24 hours for your Zoom usage data to sync.

Required Permissions

You must have a role with the following permissions to complete this integration:

Category Permissions
Users View
Groups View
Account Settings View
Meetings View
Usage Reports View
User Activity Reports View
Operational Logs View

For more information on role management, refer to Zoom's product documentation.

Requested Scopes

SaaS Management requests access to the following scopes:

Scopes Description
account:read:admin View a Master account's account and sub account information. This includes account settings, account lock settings, managed domains, and an account's trusted domains.
group:read:admin View group information within your Zoom instance.
meeting:read:admin View a user's meeting information, including meeting reports, participants, polls, and registrant information.
report:read:admin View an account's meeting and webinar statistics via usage, user activity, meeting, and webinar reports.
user:read:admin View information for all users in a Zoom account. This includes such information as a user’s profile information, user settings, user permissions, user tokens that allow the user to join a Meeting SDK meeting, and the user's scheduling privileges.

For more information on these scopes, refer to Zoom's developer documentation.

User Metadata

SaaS Management pulls the following user metadata from Zoom. You can filter your usage data by these fields:

Field Description
Department The user's department.
Large Meeting Capacity Indicates the allowed capacity for large meetings. Organizations must have a large meeting capacity plan.
Large Meeting Enabled Indicates whether large meetings are enabled. A large meeting license allows up to 500 or 1000 participants, depending on license.
Last Client Version The last Zoom client version the user used to log in.
Meeting Capacity The number of participants a user can host per meeting.
User Status The user's status in Zoom. The user's status may be Active, Inactive, or Pending.
User Type The user's account type. A Zoom account may be Basic, Pro, or Corp.
Webinar Indicates whether the user has a Webinar license.
Webinar Capacity Indicates the allowed capacity for webinars.

Documentation Feedback

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