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By integrating your Jamf account with SaaS Management, you can view desktop application usage on all Macs managed through Jamf. The integration gives you the usage data you need to make informed decisions on inactive licenses and any renewal or purchasing options.

Integrating with Jamf

To connect a Jamf account to SaaS Management, you should create a new user with specific permissions for SaaS Management to use. This ensures the integration has minimal privilege access to your Jamf account.

Creating a new user in Jamf

  1. From the Jamf Dashboard, select the Settings icon.
  2. Search for and select User accounts and groups.
  3. Select + New to create a new user.
  4. Select Create Standard Account.
  5. Enter the following information for the new user:

    • Username: intello
    • Privilege Set: Custom
    • Full Name: Intello Integration
    • Password: Generate a secure password through your password manager. Save this password in your password manager for later.
  6. Select the Privileges tab.

  7. Select Jamf Pro Server Objects and enable the following with Read Access:

    • Computers
    • Jamf Pro User Accounts & Groups
    • Users
  8. Select Save to create the user.

  9. Return to the User accounts and groups page and select the Password Policy button.
  10. Select Edit to make changes.
  11. Under the Allow Basic authentication for the Classic API section, select the Allow Basic authentication in addition to Bearer Token authentication checkbox. Select Save to save your changes.

You can now use this account to connect Jamf to SaaS Management.

Connecting Jamf to SaaS Management

  1. Go to SaaS Management and select Integrations from the navigation menu.
  2. Select the Jamf tile.
  3. Select Add Integration
  4. In the new window, enter the following information:

    • Company Workspace - Enter the domain of your Jamf server.

      For example, if you use Jamf Cloud and you access the workspace under, you would enter john-smith. If you host your own version of Jamf, you can enter the full domain you access Jamf from.

    • User ID - Enter "intello" or the username you used.

    • User Password - Enter the password that you generated.
  5. Select Submit to complete the integration.

It can take up to 48 hours for your desktop app usage to sync.

Required Permissions

Jamf users must have the following roles to integrate the application with SaaS Management:

  • Computers
  • Jamf Pro User Accounts and Groups
  • Users

User Metadata

SaaS Management pulls the following user metadata from Jamf. You can filter your usage data by these fields:

Field Description
Access Level The level of access the user has to Jamf. For example, a user may have Full Access, Site Access, or Group Access.
Privilege Set The user's role in Jamf.

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