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Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the following FAQs for answers to common questions.


What personal identifiable information (PII) does SaaS Management collect?

SaaS Management pulls personal identifiable information such as employee details (including the employee’s name, email, department, and role), SaaS license details, and SaaS usage data.

How does SailPoint transfer and store data from our SaaS tools?

Data is transferred using encrypted communication from your SaaS applications to SailPoint SaaS Management via public API calls. The data comes to rest encrypted in Amazon Web Services databases in the us-east-1 region.

Why does the number of apps for usage differ from the Vendor table?

The Usage Dashboard displays all applications that have associated usage data from Direct, SSO, Desktop, and Authentication integrations.

The Vendor table displays vendors that you’ve integrated through Spend integrations. It also displays payment information from manual uploads.

If you edit a custom field for an application, SaaS Management will display that vendor in the Vendor table, even if no related spend data has been detected

Vendor Table

Where does the data in the Vendor table come from?

After you’ve successfully configured a spend integration, vendors and their associated spend will appear in your Vendor table. Admin users can manually edit this data as well as update remaining fields in the Vendor table.

Where does the data in the license and date fields come from?

You must manually add license and date data to the Vendor table.

Can I add more categories to the Category field?

Categories cannot be edited. We recommend creating a custom field if you want to categorize your vendors differently than the default values.

Can I filter by or export contact information, such as vendor contacts or internal owners?

You cannot filter by or export contact information. If this feature interests you, contact your Customer Success Manager.

I’ve manually added an application, but I don’t see it in my Vendor table.

To manually add an application that does not have associated spend or usage data, you must enter and add data to one custom field in the Info tab of an app’s page.

What defines a vendor as live or inactive?

If an application was originally added to the Vendor table from spend data, the vendor will be considered live until 365 days have passed since the last payment. Vendors move to an inactive state if more than 365 days have passed since the last payment.


This rule does not apply if you’ve manually added a vendor or manually updated a vendor’s state.

Usage Dashboard

I recently integrated a new SaaS app, and my usage numbers look off.

Initial syncs can take multiple days. During these syncs, SaaS Management pulls in historical data to show past usage information and displays whatever data is available. If you connected an application with a significant amount of data, SaaS Management may display inaccurate data for a few days following the initial sync.

Can I email the Usage Dashboard to someone?

No, this page cannot be emailed to someone. If you're interested in this feature, contact your Customer Success Manager.

Does SaaS Management show usage data for service accounts?

Typically, no. SaaS Management retrieves audit logs. For most of our applications, these audit logs are limited to users who sign in to the application through a browser. Service accounts do not have passwords and cannot sign in to the application through browsers or cookies.

Secure Dashboard

Why do I see multiple instances of the same application in the Secure Dashboard? For example, Zoom is listed twice.

The Secure Dashboard surfaces the permissions granted by one application to another. As such, SaaS Management displays the total number of app-to-app integrations. For example, if Zoom is connected to Slack and Google, then Zoom will appear twice – once for the Slack connection and once for the Google connection.

Two applications can have multiple app-to-app integrations since you can integrate the same applications multiple times. For example, you can connect SaaS Management to your Dropbox twice. In this case, you would have two SaaS Management-to-Dropbox integrations.

Can I view the last time a user accessed a connected application?

Due to API limitations, SaaS Management currently only exposes the date the user first accessed and authenticated in to the application. However, you can leverage the activity data within the Usage Dashboard to view the last time a user was active in the application in question. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

Spend Dashboard

There is spend that is not SaaS in our dashboard. Can it be removed?

Yes, contact your Customer Success Manager to have this data removed from your Spend Dashboard.

Why is there no data under Purchase Orders?

Purchase order data will display within the Procurement Dashboard after you’ve integrated Coupa, and its initial sync has completed.

When does data display in the Spend Dashboard?

Spend data displays within the Spend Dashboard after a spend-related application, such as Concur, QuickBooks, or Workday Financials, has been integrated and synced.

Where can I access my saved views for spend data?

You can access your saved views for spend data by selecting Saved Views + Suggested Filters on the Payments and Purchase Orders tabs of an application’s Information page.


You must integrate Coupa to view data in your Purchase Orders tab.

How can I search for payments?

You can search payment data by entering the payment name, memo, or description in the Query field of the Payments page.


How often does my data refresh?

Data in usage integrations is refreshed nightly. Data in spend integrations is refreshed weekly on Mondays.

Will I receive a notification if an integration breaks?

The Overview Dashboard will alert you to integrations that require attention.

Can I add multiple instances of an application?

Yes, you can configure multiple instances of an application. For example, you can integrate staging and production environments of an application.

Why are there multiple applications for the same tool? For example, I can integrate with Workday and Workday Financials.

SaaS Management’s integrations pull in various types of information. For example, some of our integrations only pull in usage data (such as users and their activity) while others pull in financial data (what SaaS did you pay for).

Usage data and financial data require different sets of permissions. SailPoint wants to ensure that you are aware of these permissions and that you only grant us access to the data that you want and need in SaaS Management. For example, if you only want SaaS Management to display usage data for Workday, then you should only connect the Workday application – not Workday Financials.

If you want SaaS Management to display both usage and spend data for Workday, then you should connect both applications. Each application will require different credentials with different permissions.

Custom Fields

Can I create custom fields for specific applications?

No, custom fields apply to all vendors in the Vendor table. For more information about custom fields, refer to Creating custom fields.

Scheduled Reports

Can I send scheduled reports to a Slack Channel?

No, you cannot send scheduled reports to a Slack Channel. You can, however, send a scheduled report to as many individual Slack users as you’d like. If you need to send a scheduled report to many people, you can also email a scheduled report to a distribution list.

Can I restore a scheduled report that has been archived?

Yes, you can contact your Customer Success Manager to restore a scheduled report.


Are there other Role-based Access Control (RBAC) options for users?

Dashboard users can be assigned the Admin or Reader role. For more information, refer to Inviting and managing users.

Documentation Feedback

Feedback is provided as an informational resource only and does not form part of SailPoint’s official product documentation. SailPoint does not warrant or make any guarantees about the feedback (including without limitation as to its accuracy, relevance, or reliability). All feedback is subject to the terms set forth at