Viewing My Reports
The main Reports screen allows the user to view all recently run reports and perform basic actions on these completed reports.
The user can easily identity information about each report from the report grid. The grid provides the following information:
- Creation Date - date and time when the report was run.
- Report Name - title of the report.
- Report Type - type of report that was run.
- Owner Name - name of person who created the report.
- Actions - sharing, deleting, or downloading the report.
The options within the Action column can only be performed on a single report. For bulk action options, see Bulk Options for Reports below.
The default display for the reports grid is to show the reports that have not been downloaded yet and that were run within the last 30 days. This is the default filter.
Sharing a report - Selecting the Share icon displays the following actions:
- Share report with - from the dropdown, select the user(s) you wish to share the report with.
- Subject - provide a subject line for the sent report.
- Message - provide a message to the recipient of the report.
Send me a copy - select this option if you wish to also be sent a copy of the report.
Select Send.
Deleting a report - Select the delete icon on the report you wish to delete. Select Yes to confirm the deletion.
Downloading a report - Select the download icon to download the desired report. Downloading a report only takes a few moments.
Bulk Options for Reports
You can perform bulk options on multiple reports.
To perform bulk options, select the various reports by checking the selectable box to the left of each report.
Once multiple reports are selected, two new options will appear in the top right corner of the grid.
- Bulk Share - a new window will display. The options within the window are the same as mentioned above within Sharing a Report.
- Bulk Delete - a window will display asking to confirm the deletion. Select Yes to bulk delete.
Reports Filter
You can search for particular reports by using the filter feature. The filter option can be found at the top right of the grid.
The filter feature is removed if using bulk options.
If using a filter to search for a report, a new overlay will display.
- Name - if you know the name of the specific report you are looking for, type some or all of the name here.
- Type - narrow down your search by selecting the type of report you are searching for.
- Owner - if you know who created the report, use the Owner dropdown to select that identity.
- Date - you can search for a report based on when it was created. With the date option, you can also give a range of dates when the report was thought to be created.
- New Reports Only - this option is on by default. It will display reports that have not been downloaded yet.
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