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Creating an Access Certification Campaign

To create a new campaign to certify access, go to Compliance > Access Certification and select Create New.

When creating a new campaign, you need to provide details about the desired campaign.

General Details

On the first step of the campaign creation, provide the following information:

  • Campaign Name - Name of the campaign.
  • Campaign Description - Details about the campaign.
  • Campaign Type - Choose either Identities or Permissions.
  • Instructions for Reviewers - Provide any explicit instructions for the reviewers.
  • Due Date - Choose an exact date or a time frame for the campaign.

Select Next.

Filter Selection

On the filter selection step, define a scope for the campaign. This can be done by selecting an already saved or shared filter from the dropdown. Or, select the Forensics link to be taken to the Forensics page to create a new filter.


If creating a new Permissions or Identities filter from the Forensics page, select Refresh on the Filters page of the campaign creation and the newly created filter will display as on option.

If choosing an already created filter from the dropdown, the filter and its parameters display.

Select Next.

Review Process

On the review process step, set the appropriate reviewers for the certification campaign.

In the Reviewer Type dropdown, select either Data Owner, By Selected Reviewer(s), or By Manager/Entitlement Owner. The review type options will depend on what type of campaign this is.


The By Data Owner review type is only available with permission type campaigns. If By Data Owner is selected, the user also needs to select a default reviewer. The default reviewer will review the records in case the review cannot be assigned to the owner.

If By Manager/Entitlement Owner is selected and the review record contains an identity, the review process is assigned to the identity's manager. If the manager is not available, the system checks to see if there is an entitlement owner. If there is no entitlement owner, the review is assigned to the selected default reviewer.

Select Next.


On the summary page, review all the certification settings you have chosen.

You also have the ability to select what columns (information) should be visible when viewing the campaign details.

Here you can use the Invitation toggle to activate sending invitations which is on by default.

You can also send out a reminder about the campaign. The reminder option is on by default but can be turned off. Reminders cannot be edited. They are sent out weekly on Mondays at 5:00 UTC.

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