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Data Classification Results

Data Access Security provides reports of data classification results. You can filter the results by various parameters, including a match count – having a certain critical category at either more than or less than a given threshold.

To generate a data classification report, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Report Templates.
  2. Use the Classified Data filter to locate a specific report.
  3. To apply a different filter than one of the existing templates:

    1. Create a duplicate template by selecting Duplicate from the template dropdown menu.
    2. Set the filter parameters and select Run Now or Save the template for future runs.
  4. The report will be available in the My Reports screen.


Data Access Security can import data classification results using the Import Classification Result capability. This allows for results to be imported from a CSV file.

Importing Data Classification Results

Data Access Security has the ability to import external data classification results. In order to successfully import data classification results, verify an application name was created and that a resource full path exists in the application. A crawl task may need to be run to update the database.

The selected CSV must have the following fields:

  • Application Name
  • Resource Full Path
  • Category Name
  • File Name
  • Match Count


The CSV file you are uploading should be structured with these five fields as columns. If there are not five columns with the above fields, the import will not be successful.

If the value within Application Name or Resource Full Path is incorrect, the import task will fail or finish with warnings.

To import data classification results:

  1. Navigate to Compliance > Data Classification > Import Data Classification Results.


    The import task imports the match count from the external source, in addition to the fields of the categories. The match count field is imported as a number.

  2. Select Run to start the import task.

  3. To follow the task progress, navigate to Settings > Task Management > Tasks.

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