Unity SMB Connector Overview
This connector enables you to use Data Access Security to access and analyze data stored in Active Directory and do the following:
- Analyze the structure of your stored data.
- Classify the data being stored.
- Verify user permissions on the resources, and compare them against requirements.
- Manage access fulfillment - automated granting and revoking of access - according to rules set in Data Access Security.
- Identity collector – collect IAM users, groups and roles and the connections between them.
For more information on the EMC architecture and CEE, refer to the EMC CEE using the Common Event Enabler for Windows, see docu48055_using-the-common-event-enabler-on-windows-platforms.pdf
Permissions Collection
Data Access Security connects using EMC administrative shares and analyzes folder permissions.
Local groups and users are collected from the CIFS server during the Permission Collection process.
Supported Versions
EMC Dell EMC Unity OE version 4.1
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