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Check the issues below for common problems and suggested ways of handling them.

Accounts do not Appear in the Resources Tree

There are several reasons why the crawler might not identify all or part of the accounts, which would cause OneDrive accounts to either not appear in the resources tree, or appear only partially:

Uninitialized OneDrive accounts

These are accounts which were never accessed and activated. These accounts can’t be crawled, nor will they appear in the resources tree.

In the Crawl task details, you will see the message: "Not initialized accounts: X (see logs for details)"

"X" stands for the number of uninitialized accounts.

Inaccessible OneDrive accounts

These are accounts which were not granted the prerequisite Site Collection Administrator permissions and cannot be accessed.

In the Crawl task details, you will see the message: "Not accessible accounts: X (see logs for details)"

"X" stands for the number of uninitialized accounts.

Partial Folder Structure for a OneDrive Account

Incomplete folder structures can happen when there is at least 1 publicly shared object (either a folder or file) under the OneDrive account. This makes it possible for external users to crawl it, but only the publicly shared objects will be returned. No error message is logged for these accounts, and you should verify that the required Site Collector Administrator permissions were granted.

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