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Understanding your Home Page

After you've signed in to your account, you'll be taken to the Home page. Here, you can see the panels that can help you track your work and access. These panels, called widgets, display the number of items you need to review and complete in each category.

Six widgets on the Home Page, some displaying pending work.

Managing Your Widgets

You can remove unnecessary widgets so your home page only reflects the things you that matter to you.

To add or remove widgets:

  1. From the Home page, select the Customize icon in the upper right corner.

  2. Choose which widgets to display on your home page.

    Slide the toggle switch to the left to disable the corresponding widget and hide it on your home page. Slide it to the right to enable the widget.

The Customize Home Page screen, with toggle switches both on and off.

Your home page is updated based on your selections.

If you're also an administrator, you can see additional widgets based on the features you use in your tenant. Refer to Audit Reports and Monitoring for details about the other widgets you might see on the Home Page.

Now that we have you set up, let's get you the access you need.

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