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Creating and Managing Profiles

A profile refers to the body of information about an individual, organization or a thing. A profile within the application is the collection of attributes (data) that forms a complete picture of that individual or object.

Create a New Profile

You can add new profiles to your tenant individually using a workflow or in bulk using a CSV file.


Upon initial setup, profile types are created before profiles.

Creating Individual Profiles

To create a new profile, from the Admin Console:

  1. Select Lifecycle in the left navigation

  2. Select Profiles

  3. Select a profile type from the top banner

  4. Select + ProfileTypeName (note: the name of the button is dependent on the profile type tab selected)

  5. The fields available widely vary based upon profile page that was created. Review Profile Pages for more information.

    • Status: select a choice from the drop-down
    • Select the edit icon in each field to enter the appropriate values
  6. Select create.

Uploading New Profiles in Bulk

You can create new profiles in bulk using a CSV file.

To upload a CSV file of profiles:

  1. Go to Admin > Lifecycle > Profiles.

  2. Select the profile type you want to add profiles to.

  3. Select Import.

  4. Select the CSV file containing your profiles. Select Open.

    An Import Profiles dialog box is displayed, including the columns from the CSV file. Each of these columns represents an attribute to include on the profile.

  5. Use the dropdown list over the columns to select which profile attributes correspond to the columns within the CSV file. You must match at least one attribute to a column in your CSV file. If you don't select an attribute over a column in the CSV file, that column will not be included in the newly created profiles.

    If your CSV file does not contain column headers, clear the Use first row of .csv file as column headers checkbox to ensure all profiles are imported correctly. Use the horizontal scroll bar to find all of the columns you uploaded with the CSV file.


    • Uploading a CSV file of profiles can only create new profiles, and not update them.
    • It is not possible to omit specific rows within the CSV file being imported.
  6. Select Import.

    Profiles are created for each row in the CSV file. The columns of the file are used to fill out the attributes for each new profile.

Managing Existing Profiles

To view existing profiles, from the Admin Console:

  1. Select Lifecycle in the left navigation

  2. Select Profiles

  3. The following tabs are displayed:

    • All: (default) profiles regardless of status.
    • Active: displays only the active profiles.
    • Inactive: displays only the inactive profiles
    • Archived: displays only the archived profiles.

Selecting the checkbox next to an individual profile enables the Actions functionality. Selecting the checkbox next to the header selects all profiles displayed in the table.

Once a profile or multiple profiles are selected, perform an action by:

  1. Selecting the ellipsis next to Actions header to display the available actions

    • Archive: deactivates the selected profiles. Once this option is chosen, the selected profiles are immediately archived. These will appear on the Archived tab.
    • Unarchive: activates the selected profiles. Once this option is chosen, the selected profiles are immediately activated. These will appear on the Active tab.
    • Delete: permanently deletes the selected profiles. If these profiles are needed again, they must be recreated. If they are linked to other profiles in your system, those links will be broken.


Filters refine the results of a view.

To apply a filter:

  1. Select the ellipsis icon beside the Filter button.

  2. In the Attribute field:

    • Enter the name of the attribute to filter on in the Search box.
    • Once the selection has been made, the Operator and Value fields appear.
  3. In the Operator field:

    • Select the desired operator.
    • The values available will vary based on attribute selected.
  4. In the Value field:

    • Enter the filter criteria of the data to view
  5. Select the icon to add the filter

    • The applied filter will appear under the Conditions section.
  6. The filtered results are displayed

  7. Multiple filters can be added by repeating steps 2-5

    • By default, when multiple filters are added, each filter defaults as an ‘AND’ condition.
    • Users can select the button to change the AND condition to an OR condition.
  8. The number of filters applied will appear next to the Request header

To remove a filter:

  1. Select the icon next to the filter to remove it.

Filters are not persistent. When users navigate away from the page, the applied filter(s) will disappear.

Updating an Existing Profile

If you're assigned a user role that allows you to update the attributes of a profile, you can make changes to profiles within the Lifecycle interface.

To update an existing profile, from the Admin Console:

  1. Select Lifecycle in the left navigation

  2. Select Profiles

  3. Select a profile type from the top banner

  4. In the bottom table, select the profile to view/edit

  5. The following tabs are displayed:

    • INFO Tab
    • HISTORY Tab


The INFO tab is the default view on the Profile page. Here administrators can view and update the values within the profile.


The CONTRIBUTORS tab allows administrators to view and update all contributors associated with the profile.

To update the CONTRIBUTORS tab, from the Admin Console:

  1. Select Lifecycle in the left navigation

  2. Select Profiles

  3. Select a profile type from the top banner

  4. Select CONTRIBUTORS tab

  5. The following fields are displayed:

    • USERS

      1. Users view

        • Displays the current contributors to the profile
        • Select the delete icon to delete the selected contributor.
        • Select this icon to promote the selected contributor to an owner.
        • This icon displays next to the selected contributor’s avatar if they are already designated as an owner.
      2. Add a contributor: search for and select a user to add as a contributor. Once selected that user will appear in the users view above.


      1. User roles view

        • Displays the group role(s) assigned to the profile. Note: any user within the applied role, is a contributor to the profile.
        • Select the Delete icon to delete the applied user role.
      2. Add a role: search for and select group roles to apply to the profile contributors.


The HISTORY tab allows administrators to view recent activity associated to the profile, providing them details of by whom and when a change was made. Selecting an event displays additional details.


The ALL ATTRIBUTES tab displays a high-level view of all the attributes and their values associated with the profile. This view displays all attributes regardless if it is hidden from view on a profile page.

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