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Configuring Google Cloud Platform

To configure Google Cloud Platform to work with Cloud Access Management, you'll need to set up the project, accounts, APIs, and roles with the minimum set of permissions required to display your organization hierarchy.

Use an administrator role in the Google Cloud Platform Console and follow the directions on this page to configure and register your GCP account with Cloud Access Management.

Creating Project and Service Accounts

You will need a project and attached service accounts to connect to your organization. Ensure that you have selected the organization as the scope.

Follow the Google Cloud documentation to:

  1. Create a new project.

  2. Enable and add APIs.

    Compute Engine Cloud Bigtable Admin
    Cloud Functions Cloud SQL Admin
    Cloud Logging Identity and Access Management (IAM)
    Cloud Resource Manager Admin SDK
    Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) BigQuery

    Additional APIs may be needed to process new types of resources.

  3. Create a service account.

  4. Create a service account key.


    The service account key allows the code to provide credentials to the API and will generate a JSON file. Any application can access the organization through this JSON file, so save it in a secure place.

You must now create a custom role to grant the service account access to an organization.

Granting Service Account Access to an Organization

Once you have created service accounts for the project, you must grant those accounts a set of read-only access to your Google Cloud Platform organization.

Follow the Google Cloud documentation to:

  1. Create a custom role in your organization with the required permissions.

    Required Permissions
    Permission Description
    bigquery.datasets.get Get the specified dataset resource by ID
    bigquery.datasets.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a BigQuery Dataset
    bigquery.tables.get Get the specified table resource by ID
    bigquery.tables.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a BigQuery Table
    bigquery.tables.list List tables and relevant metadata
    bigtable.instances.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a BigTable Instance
    bigtable.instances.list List instances and relevant metadata
    bigtable.tables.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a BigQuery Table
    bigtable.tables.list List tables and relevant metadata
    cloudfunctions.functions.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a Cloud Function
    cloudfunctions.functions.list List functions and relevant metadata
    cloudfunctions.locations.list List locations and relevant metadata
    cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.list List crypto key versions and relevant metadata
    cloudkms.cryptoKeys.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a Cloud KMS crypto key
    cloudkms.cryptoKeys.list List crypto keys and relevant metadata
    cloudkms.keyRings.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a Cloud KMS key ring
    cloudkms.keyRings.list List key rings and relevant metadata
    cloudsql.databases.list List databases and relevant metadata
    cloudsql.instances.list List instances and relevant metadata
    compute.disks.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a compute disk
    compute.disks.list List disks and relevant metadata
    compute.firewalls.get Get the specified firewall resource by ID
    compute.firewalls.list List firewalls and relevant metadata
    compute.instances.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a compute instance
    compute.instances.list List instances and relevant metadata
    compute.networks.list List networks and relevant metadata
    compute.regions.list List regions and relevant metadata
    compute.routes.list List routes and relevant metadata
    compute.subnetworks.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a compute subnetwork
    compute.subnetworks.list List subnetworks and relevant metadata
    compute.zones.list List zones and relevant metadata
    iam.roles.list List roles and relevant metadata
    iam.serviceAccounts.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a service account
    iam.serviceAccounts.list List service accounts and relevant metadata
    logging.logEntries.list List logging entries
    resourcemanager.folders.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a folder
    resourcemanager.folders.list List folders and relevant metadata
    resourcemanager.organizations.get Get the specified organization resource by ID
    resourcemanager.organizations.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for an organization
    resourcemanager.projects.get Get the specified project resource by ID
    resourcemanager.projects.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a project
    resourcemanager.projects.list List projects and relevant metadata
    storage.buckets.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a storage bucket
    storage.buckets.list List storage buckets and relevant metadata
    storage.objects.getIamPolicy Get the access control policy for a storage object
    storage.objects.list List storage objects and relevant metadata
  2. Grant access to that role.

Granting Service Account Access to the Domain

You must grant the service account access to your Google admin domain and determine the access and privileges assigned to your service account.

Follow the Google Identity documentation to delegate domain-wide authority to the service account.

  • In the Client ID field, enter the client ID that was generated when you created the service account. This can be found in the Service Accounts details page.
  • In the OAuth scopes (comma-delimited) field, add:

Configuring a Restricted Admin Role

Cloud Access Management must assume a Google Cloud Provider admin role to build the organization hierarchy and read identities (users, roles, groups). You can use the default admin role or configure a custom admin role with more restricted permissions.

To create an admin role with the minimum required permissions to be used by Cloud Access Management:

Follow the Google Workspace documentation to:

  1. Create a custom role with the following privileges.

    • Organizational Units - Read

    • Users - Read

    • Groups - Select the checkbox.

    • Directory Sync - Manage Directory Sync Settings (which will automatically select Read Directory Sync Settings)

    • Corresponding Admin API privileges will be automatically selected.

  2. Assign the role to an email that will be used to connect GCP with Cloud Access Management.


    You can also create a new user and assign the role to them.

Cloud Access Management will be able to assume the role with the set permissions when you register your GCP organization.

Using the Command-Line Interface

You can optionally set up your GCP configuration using the command-line interface. Follow the Google Cloud documentation to install and initialize the gCloud CLI.

Registering Your Google Cloud Platform Organization

Once you have the necessary roles and permissions in your organization, you must register it with Cloud Access Management.

  1. In the Google Cloud Platform console, select the dropdown menu with your project or organization name.
  2. Select the All tab and copy the organization ID.

  3. In Cloud Access Management, name the source or paste the organization ID.

  4. Enter your administrator email. This email must have admin access to Google Admin. The domain must be the same as the organization name. For example, if the organization name is "", then the admin email will need to be formatted like "".

  5. Upload or paste the JSON file you received when creating the key for the service account.

  6. If you have a correlated source in Identity Security Cloud, the Identity Security Cloud source dropdown menu will display. Refer to Correlating Identity Security Cloud Identities for more information.

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