Managing Your Account
On the dashboard left navigation the current user’s name and avatar is displayed. You can view information about your account and upload an avatar to your account in Non-Employee Risk Management.
In the Dashboard Left Navigation:
Select the username to view the current user account information
On the user account page, the following information is displayed:
Avatar: This is the only user account setting that is editable within the application. The recommended size is 200px x 200px and no larger than 75 kb.
To edit the avatar:
Hover over the current avatar. The image changes from the default picture to the edit
Select the edit icon.
Select Choose File and browse to desired image.
Select Update.
If the image disappears when the page is refreshed, re-size the image to smaller dimensions and re-load.
Name: This is Read Only and is provided by the SSO provider on login.
Email: This is Read Only and is provided by the the SSO provider on login.
Title: This is Read Only and is is provided by the SSO provider on login.
Roles: This is Read Only and is based on the groups assigned to you within your SSO provider.
Some types of users might be able to edit some of this information. Refer to Editing My Profile for more information.
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