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Needs Action

The needs action link in the Dashboard left navigation displays all requests that requires the current user’s action. This is also accessible from the Widgets Band and the Active Profiles Table via the Needs Action tab.

The total number of Requests on each tab is displayed next to the REQUESTS header.

The requests header with three tabs displayed. The Pending tab is highlighted.

  • Pending tab

    The needs action page defaults to the Pending tab. This view lists the requests in a Pending status that require the current user’s action. Only items which the current user has permission to will appear here.

  • Completed tab

    This view lists the requests in a Completed, Closed or Workflow Changed status. These do not require any action and only items which the current user has permission to will appear here.

  • All tab

    This view lists all requests, regardless of status, that the current user has permission to view.

  • Filters

    Filters will refine the results of a view. Refer to Filters to learn more on applying filters.

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