Introduction to Reports

Reports provide an at-a-glance view of the data in IdentityIQ, which helps the organization manage system access and the compliance process. IdentityIQ includes a standard set of core reports in template form. Individual users and organizations can customize and save instances of these templates, and run these reports on a scheduled or ad-hoc basis. Additionally, custom reports can be created to meet the needs of each customer. IdentityIQ includes a reporting architecture that simplifies the process of creating custom reports. Basic reports can be created quickly through an XML specification. A variety of hooks are available for introducing more complex logic where it is needed to produce the desired report output. The standard report templates that are part of the product are modeled with this same XML specification structure and can serve as helpful examples of how custom reports should be structured.

To access the Reports page, from the Navigation menu bar, go to Intelligence > Reports.

IdentityIQ includes a number of standard reports for monitoring and managing compliance and provisioning activities. These reports can be run with or without filter criteria. For example, the Uncorrelated Accounts Report can run with no filters and return the list of uncorrelated accounts for all applications in the system, or you can set filters on the report, to restrict the results to a subset of applications.

The unfiltered, standard version of each report is listed on, and can be run from, the Report page's Reports tab. If you add filters to the standard report, that report configuration is saved as a customized report on the My Reports tab.

SailPoint provides a number of standard reports that can be run without changes. You can also use the standard reports to create custom reports that are specific to your needs.The provided reports are displayed on the Reports tab. The following types of report templates are provided:

  • Detailed Reports – include key data about specific areas in IdentityIQ. The information can be presented in table or grid format. The results can be exported to a .csv file and used in spreadsheets.

  • Archived Reports – include end-of-period and task information that is formatted for easy dissemination of key audit information. Due to the large amount of data that is generated, the best option is to export the report results to a .pdf file

  • Summary Report – include end-of-period and task information that is formatted for easy dissemination of key audit information. Due to the large amount of data that is generated, the best option is to export the report results to a .pdf file

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