My Reports Tab

The My Reports tab lists all the customized reports that you have created and saved based on a report template provided on the Reports tab. These reports are only available for your use. You can use scoping to make the results visible to other users. You can use scoping to make the results visible to other users.\

Reports are listed by category. You can use the Search by Report Name field to find the report you want to run. The Filter searches by setting in the gear menu > Global Settings > IdentityIQ Configuration > Miscellaneous tab, in the Reporting section, determines whether the search will find only reports that start with the string you entered, or reports that contain the string anywhere in the name.

Right-click on any report in this list to run, schedule, export or delete a report. The right-click menu options are:

  • Save as New Report – creates a new report instance based on an existing instance. Changes made are saved as a new report instance, leaving the existing one intact. This is helpful when a report offers a large number of configuration parameters and a new instance is being created that changes only a few of the options (filters, sorts, etc.).

  • Edit – edits the existing report instance. This is the same as clicking the report instance in the list

  • Schedule – schedules the report instance for future (or repeated) execution.

  • Execute – runs the report instance immediately.

  • Delete – deletes the instance's configuration from IdentityIQ.

Use IdentityIQ reporting to collect the information you need to manage the compliance process. Reporting replaces manual searches for data located in various systems around your enterprise.

SailPoint provides a number of standard reports that can be run without changes. You can also use the standard reports to create custom reports that are specific to your needs. The provided reports are displayed on the Reports tab. The following types of report templates are provided:

  • Detailed Reports – include key data about specific areas in IdentityIQ. The information can be presented in table or grid format. The results can be exported to a .csv file and used in spreadsheets.

  • Archived Reports – include end-of-period and task information that is formatted for easy dissemination of key audit information. Due to the large amount of data that is generated, the best option is to export the report results to a .pdf file

  • Summary Report – include end-of-period and task information that is formatted for easy dissemination of key audit information. Due to the large amount of data that is generated, the best option is to export the report results to a .pdf file