Reports Tab

SailPoint provides a number of standard reports that can be run without changes or that can be used as templates for creating custom reports.

Note: You cannot write over the report templates on the Reports tab. If you edit a report template from Reports tab and save the changes, you must assign a name to the new report and it is added to the report list on the My Reports tab.

Reports are grouped by category. The categories for reports are:

Use this page to create, edit, run, schedule, export or delete your custom reports. Right-click the report name and select an option from the pop-up menu. When you select an export function, the report is run and the results are displayed in the selected format. For Detailed and Summary type reports the Export to CSV option is not available. For more information, see Working With Reports.

To view a list of all scheduled reports, see Scheduled Reports Tab.

To view reports after they are completed, see Report Results Tab.

To create reports based on searches on identity, activity, and audit information, see Identity Search, Activity Search, and Audit Search.

Searching for Reports

Use the Search by Report Name field to find the report you want to run. The Filter searches by setting in the gear menu > Global Settings > IdentityIQ Configuration > Miscellaneous tab, in the Reporting section, determines whether the search will find only reports that start with the string you entered, or reports that contain the string anywhere in the name.

This tab lists each report name and a brief description of its contents.

Running Reports from the Reports Tab

You can run reports directly from this page or schedule them to run at some point in the future, either once or on a repeating, scheduled basis. Any report initiated (immediately or scheduled) directly from this page is run with no filters applied. In other words, the report runs for all system objects to which that report applies (all roles, all Identities, all policies, all access reviews, etc.).

To run a report with no filters, right-click and choose Execute to run it once immediately or Schedule to set it up to run in the future or on a repeating basis.

To edit the report template to add details and filtering criteria, click the report name, or right-click and choose Edit.

Deleting Reports

To completely remove the report from the system, right-click the report name and select Delete.