Business Process Management
A Business Process is a sequence of operations or steps that are launched to perform work. IdentityIQ Business Processes include standard out-of-the-box processes and custom installation-specific processes. The informal term workflow is also used in this document to refer to a business process.
System events trigger both standard and custom IdentityIQ Business Processes. Events that can trigger a workflow include:
Role creation or modification
Account Group creation or modification
Identity update
Identity refresh
Identity correlation
Deferred role assignment, de-assignment
Deferred role activation, deactivation
Any Lifecycle Manager event
Any Lifecycle Event (marked by changes to an Identity's attributes)
Custom workflows can be defined to do a wide variety of processing tasks. You can use:
IdentityIQ workflow library methods and rules.
Custom BeanShell scripts and rules.
Customizing or creating workflows generally involves a combination of XML and Java / BeanShell programming. You can manage some customization activities with the IdentityIQ graphical process editor that is included in the product. To customize or create new workflows, typically you need to be comfortable writing XML and Java.