Workflow Library Methods
Workflow Libraries are sets of compiled java methods. To be accessible to workflows, these libraries must be specified as a comma separated list in the libraries attribute of the workflow element. The classes for libraries are named as follows: SailPoint.workflow.[library]Library.class. Only the [library] portion is specified in the libraries attribute.
The following example makes methods from the SailPoint.workflow.IdentityLibrary.class accessible to the workflow.
<Workflow libraries="Identity" explicitTransitions="true" name="Hello World Workflow" type="IdentityUpdate">
Note: If no Libraries attribute is specified on the Workflow element, the workflow can access the Identity, Role, PolicyViolation, and LCM libraries by default.
The following tables list the workflow libraries and the methods available. Although the Standard Workflow Handler is not technically a library, the methods in it are accessible to every workflow and are called through the same syntax as library methods.