Use this page to set configuration values for identities.
Use this section to categorize your organization's risk scores.
Number of Bands
Specify the number of colored bands, from 2 to 6, to display on all score card charts, graphs, and tables.
These bands are used to indicate various levels of risk associated with ranges of Identity risk scores. Specify a number that best meets the needs of your enterprise.
Select the default labels or create your own text label associated with the colored risk bank.
Input the numeric risk score range associated with each risk band. Risk scores are determined by multiple contributing factors defined on the Configure Risk Scoring page.
Refer to the system administration documentation for more information.
The indication color associated with the risk level.
Number of Searchable Attributes
Specify the number of attributes that can be configured for use as searchable attributes on the Identity Attributes page. This can be any number between 1 and 20. The default is 10.
This number should match the number configured during the installation and deployment process. If no customization was performed during the installation and deployment process, the maximum number you can enter is 10.
Always Sync using workflow
Check this option if you want to always use the business process selected in the Business Processes section of this page for attribute synchronization. Leaving this option unchecked means that you can set the option to use the business process individually on each attribute in Identity Mappings.
IdentityIQ can save history about risk scorecards for identities and groups. Risk scorecards are calculated for identities and groups using the Identity Refresh task; scores are calculated based on the Identity Risk Model configured for your installation. Use this option to set the increments at which to store scorecard history for identities (using Identity History) and groups (using Group History). For example, if the Identity History is set to Week, scorecards are preserved on a weekly basis. This means that when a scorecard is updated, it overwrites any scorecard calculated within the previous week (7 days), and any scorecard that is older than 7 days is saved.
Set the frequency with which identity snapshot should be taken. Identity snapshots are used to build the risk score card history that can be used to track trends and patterns for individual users, groups, departments, and your entire organization
Specify the number of attributes that can be configured for use as searchable attributes. This can be any number between 1 and 20. The default is 5.
This number should match the number configured during the installation and deployment process. If no customization was performed during the installation and deployment process, the maximum number you can enter is 5.
You can configure IdentityIQ to run business processes when actions are taken on identities.
Identity update
Select which business process is executed when an identity is edited in IdentityIQ. This can perform role assignment approvals and send provisioning requests.
Identity refresh
Select which business process is executed when an identity is refreshed in a background task. This might perform role assignment approvals and send provisioning requests.
Identity Correlation
Select which business process is executed when an manual correlation of accounts is done.
Attribute Sync
Using a business process with attribute synchronization lets you manage the synchronization of multiple attributes together, in a single request and approval process. To use this option, choose a business process to use for Attribute Sync. IdentityIQ provides a standard Attribute Sync business process that meets most use cases; you can edit this business process to tailor it to your needs, and you can also create and choose a custom business process if you prefer.