Pass Through Authentication

Configure Pass Through Authentication on existing Web Services.

  1. On the Additional Settings page, select the Get Object Required for PTA checkbox.


    • When selected, it executes the Get Object operation to verify if the entered Username (considered an identity attribute) is present on the managed system or not.

    • When deselected, it skips the Get Object operation and the Pass Through Authentication operation must have response mapping with account object schema attributes.

  2. (Optional) If you need to configure error messages for Pass Through Authentication, use the following entry keys:

    • objectNotFoundErrorMsg

    • authenticationFailedErrorMsg

    • expiredPasswordErrorMsg

Pass Through Authentication Configuration

The following process is an example configures Pass Through Configuration.

General Information

  1. In the Operation Name field, enter Pass Through Authentication as the operation name.

  2. From the Operation Type drop-down list, select Pass Through Authentication.

  3. In the Authentication URL field, enter the URL specific to the Pass Through Authentication.

  4. In the HTTP Method drop-down list, select POST.

Header and Body

The HTTP body is used to post data with a request. The Header has the data keys and their corresponding values. These key value pairs are sent as part of the Header in the HTTP Request.

  1. Under the Header tab, enter the following Key Value pairs:

    • Key = SOAPAction, Value =

    • Key = Content-Type, Value = text/xml

    For more information, refer to Headers.

  2. Under the Body tab, select the Raw radio button.

  3. In the Body field, enter the XML payload for the Pass Through Authentication.

    The Body has two types; Form Data and Raw. XML format does not support Form Data.

    XML Payload Example
    <soapenv:Envelope xmins:soapenv=""">

    For more information, refer to Body.

Response Information

For more information, refer to Response Information .

The Root Path is the common path present in the JSON response. The Success Code is the successful HTTP response code expected by the respective Web Service operation. By default, the success code is 2**.

  1. In the Root Path field, enter //ns:userInfo

  2. In the Success Code field, enter 2**

Response Mapping

For more information, refer to Response Mapping.

  1. Enter the following Schema Attribute and Attribute Path pairs:

    • Schema Attribute = Username, Attribute Path = ns:userName

    • Schema Attribute = email, Attribute Path = ns:userEmail

    • Schema Attribute = firstName, Attribute Path = ns:firstName

XPath Namespace Mapping

For more information, refer to XPath Namespace Mapping.

  1. Enter the following Namespace Prefix and Namespace URI pairs:

    • Namespace Prefix = soapenv, Namespace URI =

    • Namespace Prefix = ns, Namespace URI =

    • Namespace Prefix = xsi, Namespace URI =