Response Information

Response Information has a Root Path and a Success Code.

The Root Path must be common for all the attributes mentioned in the Response Attribute Mapping for a particular operation.

The Success Code is the successful HTTP response code expected by respective Web Service operations. The Success Code field accepts HTTP status codes in CSV format.

For example, consider the HTTP response code, 200, 201, 203. If the list does not contain any value, the status codes from 200 to 299 are checked. Successful status codes starts with 2.

You can provide 2** as a Success Code. The Web Services source supports a null HTTP response body with custom error messages. For the Web Services source, the pagination with a null Root Path in Response Mapping works correctly. The default value for root path is $.

  1. Enter the Root Path. This is the common path present in the JSON / XML response. For example:

    • JSON$.members.profile

    • XML//wd:Response_Data/wd:Worker/wd:Worker_Data

  2. Enter the Success Code. This is the HTTP success code that serves as a response to the request.

  3. Select Save.