If you encounter any of the following issues or errors, SailPoint recommends that you follow the guidance provided below to resolve the error before contacting SailPoint Support.

Error: Error in aggregation 2fb93885d3db4620a40c02d58bfd0a67: java.lang.RuntimeException - sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: NullPointerException - java.lang.RuntimeException: sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: NullPointerException
Resolution: Set the lastAggregation date in the DD/MM/YYYY format.

Resolution: To add delay in publishedMinDate in all the atom feed, the parameter given below has to be added in the application via debug
<entry key=”publishedMinDelay” value=”100”/>
Note: The value is in Seconds.

To remove dependency on SFTP server, enable via API Authentication toggle in Connection Settings and Save.

This error may occur if the extract file size is large as compared to the heap space specified in the VA.
Resolution: To increase the heap space and resolve this issue please reach out to SailPoint Support.

This error may occur if your HCM Extract is configured to drop null values. You will see errors in your ccg.log file on the virtual appliance of "Skipping Record due to column length mismatch."
Resolution: Check your HCM Configuration for Include Null Values in HCM Extract XML Data (WRITE_NULL_VALUES), by performing the following:
In Oracle, Go to My Client Groups > Show More > Payroll > Payroll Process Configuration, and select the Default Group.
If you don’t see Include Null Values in HCM Extract XML Data (WRITE_NULL_VALUES) in the list, select the + icon.
In Parameter Name, select Include Null Values In HCM Extract XML Data allow choice to write null values in XML.
This screenshot may vary from customer to customer depending on their environment. -
Set the Default Value to Y.
Now that your configuration has been checked, ensure that WORKER_TYPE values are correct and according to standard as defined in Create a Separate HCM Export File.

You might notice one of the following errors when the incorrect PGP Public Key or PGP Private Key are used during configuration:
Error 1
sailpoint.connector.InvalidConfigurationException: [ InvalidConfigurationException ] [ Possible suggestions ] Ensure that pgp encrpted file is provided or correct Public Key, Private Key and Private Key Password is provided [ Error details ] Signature not found
Error 2
sailpoint.connector.InvalidConfigurationException: [ InvalidConfigurationException ] [ Possible suggestions ] Ensure that pgp encrpted file is provided or correct Public Key, Private Key and Private Key Password is provided [ Error details ] invalid armor
Error 3
sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: [ ConnectorException ] [ Possible suggestions ] Ensure that configuration parameters is correct and SFTP server is reachable [ Error details ] org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKeyRing found where PGPPublicKeyRing expected
Error 4
sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: [ ConnectorException ] [ Possible suggestions ] Ensure that configuration parameters is correct and SFTP server is reachable [ Error details ] crc check failed in armored message
Error 5
sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: [ ConnectorException ] [ Possible suggestions ] Ensure that configuration parameters is correct and SFTP server is reachable [ Error details ] invalid header encountered
Resolution: Ensure you are using PGP Public Key or PGP Private Key in the correct format as generated by the Oracle Fusion HCM system during configuration.
For example, you can use the format as shown below:
Version: BCPG v1.71
OR use only the key as shown below:
For more information on the PGP Public Key or PGP Private Key, refer to

You might get the following error when incorrect PGP Private Key Password is provided during configuration:
[ InvalidConfigurationException ] [ Possible suggestions ] Ensure that pgp encrypted file is provided or correct Public Key, Private Key and Private Key Password is provided [ Error details ] checksum mismatch at in checksum of 20 bytes
Resolution: Ensure you are using correct PGP Private Key Password generated by the Oracle Fusion HCM system during configuration.

You might get the following error when the HCM export file provided is unencrypted and not signed.
[ InvalidConfigurationException ] [ Possible suggestions ] Ensure that pgp encrypted file is provided or correct Public Key, Private Key and Private Key Password is provided [ Error details ] unknown object in stream: 16
Resolution : Ensure that HCM export file is encrypted and signed. For more information for creating HCM extract file, refer to Create a Separate HCM Export File.

Resolution: Ensure that HCM export file is encrypted and signed. For more information for creating HCM extract file, refer to Create a Separate HCM Export File.

Resolution : Ensure that additional fields is defined under Workers API Additional Fields.