Identity Request Maintenance

The Identity Request Maintenance task scans all Lifecycle Manager access requests to ensure that all identity change requests were provisioned.

Partitioning is available to speed the processing time for this task, and to level the load on the machines running these tasks. Partitioning is used to break operations into multiple pieces, or partitions. Each partition is then placed in a global queue, and machines, or hosts, in a cluster compete to execute the partitions in the queue. Machines are added or removed from the cluster dynamically with automatic balancing. If a machine fails or is taken down while processing a partition, the partition is placed back into the queue and reassigned to a different machine. A single result object is shared by all partitions and is continually updated so you can monitor the overall progress of the partitioned operation. When all partitions have finished executing the result is marked complete. See Partitioning.




Max age (in days) for Identity Request objects

The maximum number of days that an identity request object (AccessRequest) is stored in the IdentityIQ database before it is removed.

Set this according to your policy on how long access request details are required.

The default is zero (0), which indicates that they are stored forever.

Verify provisioning for requests?

Scan for provisioning requests which have been verified.

Number of days to attempt to verify the request with the Identity model before failing.

The number of days the task attempts to scan for verified access requests before reporting a failure.

When a timeout occurs, any item not verified is left in the non-finished provisioning state, either Committed or Pending, and the overall request is marked Partially Complete if any item succeeded. If no item succeed the entire request is marked failed.

Set this value based on the type of connectors and their expected provisioning times. The default setting is continuous checking forever.

Enable partitioning

Enable partitioning of this task across multiple hosts.

Partitioning has to be configured before this option is valid.

Number of partitions

Specify a number of partitions. If no number is specified, IdentityIQ calculates an optimal number based on available request servers.