Effective Access Indexing

Effective Access is any indirect access that was granted through another object, such as a nested group, an unstructured target, or another role.



Index Entitlement Targets

Include any effective entitlements associated with application that support effective access searching.

Index Role Targets

Include any effective roles associated with application that support effective access searching.

Index direct role permissions

Include any effective direct role permissions associated with application that support effective access searching.

Index direct entitlement permissions

Include any effective direct entitlement permissions associated with application that support effective access searching.

Index unstructured targets

Include any unstructured targets.

Refresh Fulltext Index

Refresh the Fulltext index as part of this task.

Index classifications

Add an entitlement's classifications to the target association that is created when the entitlement target is indexed; in the UI, this means that an entitlement's classifications will be displayed whenever that entitlement occurs as Effective Access.

Promote classifications

Promote classifications up the effective access "chain" to the entitlement that grants the effective access. For example, if EntitlementA grants you effective access to EntitlementB, and EntitlementB has a classification assigned to it, then with the Promote Classifications option enabled, the classification assigned to EntitlementB will also be displayed in the UI for EntitlementA.

Index elevated access

This will make the elevated access for a role or entitlement show as effective access if it is associated with other objects

Promote elevated access

Marks the role as Elevated if it has any target associations. They must be indexed first.

Clean elevated access

Removal of any items marked as Promote Elevate Access if the association is broken or removed.

Delete all current targets before indexing

Clear an existing Effective Access Index before running this task.

After you complete customizing your task options, click Save for later use or Save and Execute to save the task and run it immediately.