spt KeyStore Console Commands

The iiq keystore command is the interface to update the keystore and keystore password. A master password can to be entered into the console or generated when it is being updated.

The keyStore console supports the following commands:

use KeyStoreFilemasterFile

Note: If you do not call the use command, the changes are positioned in the configured paths.

Specify the keystore and master file to use when interacting with an alternate keystore.

The keyStoreFile argument in position 1 specifies the path to the file to be used when creating/updating the keystore. If this argument is not specified the command uses $SPHOME/WEB-INF/classes/iiq.dat.

The masterFile argument in position 2 specifies the path and filename used to store the master file.

The use command gives you the ability to build the keystores outside your operating running environment and merge them in when scheduled.

addKey [ -q ]

If no argument is included, you are prompted for confirmation before the key is generated.

Generate a new encryption key, the key is securely generated and random.

-q as argument in position 1 generatesa new key without prompting for confirmation.


List the contents of the keystore.

master [newPasswordnewPasswordConfirmation]

Note: Passwords must be at least 8 characters.

Change the master password and re-encrypt the keystore using the new password.

Note: If no argument is included, you are prompted for confirmation.

If newPassword and newPasswordConfirmation are in argument position 1 and 2, you are not prompted for confirmation.

-g is in argument position 1 a new password is generated without confirmation.


Specifies the two files that being modified.