Audit Configuration
Use the Audit Configuration page to specify the actions that are collected for audit logs. Since collecting event information and storing it in the audit logs affects performance, a system administrator must specify the actions that are audited. Before any data is collected by the audit logs for use in an audit search, IdentityIQ must be configured for auditing.
The Audit Configuration page contains the following types of actions:
General Actions – typical action performed while using IdentityIQ. For example, running a task and signing off on a certification are general actions.
Link Attribute Changes – changes made to any assigned link attributes.
Identity Attribute Changes – changes to assigned roles, capabilities, authorized scopes, and controlled scopes, and changes to the password. This list might also include extended identity attributes.
Class Actions – action taken on the underlying classes used to configure the way in which IdentityIQ operates. For example, editing a role, creating a policy, specifying the default email template, and adding attachments are class actions.
SCIM Resource Actions – action taken on any SCIM resource, for example, create, read, update, and delete.