About Debug Pages

The Debug pages provide administrative functions, including advanced object editing capabilities for IdentityIQ system administrators, as well as a place to find detailed information about your IdentityIQ installation.

Debug pages include: 

  • About – basic information about the IdentityIQ installation such as server host, the current IdentityIQ version and schema version, locale and time zone for the client, and an array of Java system properties.

  • Object – the most frequently used feature of the Debug pages, providing access to the XML representations of data and configuration objects in the IdentityIQ system

  • Memory – view the Free, Total, and Max JVM memory

  • Caches – five buttons for managing the Hibernate Caches

  • Count – count of objects by class

  • Beans – the Managed Beans page displays all JMX beans registered with the application server

  • Threads – view all Java threads and their current state; a good resource for diagnosing performance problems

  • Call Timings – statistics about the time taken to perform certain database activities

  • Logging – view or change the path to the Log4j properties file

  • Database – view basic database pooling information

  • Connections – see the connections from the database connection pool that the server is currently using

  • ActiveMQ Monitoring – view broker information, connectors, broker statistics, destinations, and subscriptions

See the Debug Pages Compass article for details about each page.

On Debug's Object Browser page, you can view and edit XML representations of data and configuration objects in the IdentityIQ system. The Debug pages also provide UI-based access to many of the actions you can run in the IdentityIQ console.

Debug pages are accessed via the wrench menu, if available, or a hidden URL: http://[hostname:port]/[contextroot]/debug (for example, http://localhost:8080/identityiq/debug) and can only be used by those with the SystemAdministration capability. As of IdentityIQ version 8.4, users may be granted read-only access rights to view the Debug pages without taking actions or making changes. See Read-Only Access to Debug Pages and Administrative Information

For more details about Debug, see Read-Only Access to Debug Pages, and the Debug Pages article on Compass.

Caution: There is no rollback mechanism for edits that are saved in the Debug pages. For this reason it is strongly recommended that you export an object (the process is described in the Debug Pages article on Compass), copy it, make changes to the copy, and then import the updated version, rather than editing objects directly in the Debug page.