Manage Task Results

Use the Tasks table to view host affinity check run time data. From this page you can also postpone a scheduled task, terminate a running task, or dump a stack trace of a running task. The stack trace is typically used when a task is running long and diagnostics are needed.

Use the tabs at the top of the table to limit your view by task status: Active Tab, Scheduled Tab, or Completed Tab. Use the Filter options or search field to further limit the tasks displayed.

Postponing Tasks

Tasks which are scheduled to run in the future can be postponed for a selected amount of time.

  1. Click the Scheduled tab to see future scheduled tasks.

  2. Click the calendar button (Postpone Task) in the Actions column.

  3. Choose the date and time when the task should run again and click Submit.

The system will automatically prevent any instances of that task from running until the designated time.

After the designated time has passed, the task will resume on its normal schedule. It will not be run immediately at the time specified in the postponement.

Terminating a Task

Tasks which are currently executing can usually be terminated from the IdentityIQ UI.

  1. Click the Active tab on the Administrator Console Tasks page to see currently running tasks.

  2. If a task is running longer than expected or otherwise needs to be immediately terminated, click the X button in the Actions column to send a terminate request to the task.

All of SailPoint's out-of-the-box tasks have logic in them that will respond to a terminate request and shut down gracefully at the next logical breakpoint. Custom tasks should also be written to handle a terminate request.

This terminate action can also be done from the Task Results page in Setup > Tasks > Task Results by right-clicking the task and clicking Terminate. However, permissions which grant access to the Administrator Console are different than the permissions required for the Setup > Tasks page, so some users may only have access to this feature from the Administrator Console. See the Task Results Page for more information.

Requesting a Stack Trace

When troubleshooting abnormal task behavior (most notably, long-running tasks), it may be helpful to get a stack trace of the task's current execution.

  1. Click the Active tab of the Administrator Console Tasks page to see currently running tasks.

  2. Click the </> button in the Actions column on any running task row to generate a stack trace for that task. A dialog box appears, to confirm that the stack trace has been requested and will be available soon.

  3. The stack trace will be generated and the </> button will be colored green when it is available.

  4. Click the green </> button to view the stack trace in a dialog box. You can generate another stack trace for the same task, if it is still executing, with the Request New Stack Trace button in that dialog box.

Note that workflows also generate task result objects which, are included on this page. Since the Stack Trace option does not apply to a workflow, this option is not enabled for those entries in the list.