Report-Specific Parameters

Most reports offer at least one page of configuration options between the Standard Properties and Report Layout pages. These pages can be different for each report, and some reports use several pages, while others include only one. These pages allow the user to set filter parameters for the report instance. For example, the Uncorrelated Accounts Report contains one report-specific settings page called Uncorrelated Accounts Parameters; this page lets the user select the Application for which they want to see a list of accounts that could not be correlated to existing Identities (from the authoritative application). If no application is selected in this filter, the report shows all uncorrelated accounts from all applications.

In some cases, the Report Layout column list will change based on the parameters that are set on the report-specific parameters pages. For example, the User Account Attributes Report can display account attributes on selected applications. If the application selected has attributes (for example, privileged or service accounts) which other applications don't have, when that application is selected for the report, those columns appear on the Report Layout page for optional inclusion in the report.