Reports in the IdentityIQ Object Model

In IdentityIQ, a report is executed as a specialized task. The root element of a report in the object model is a <TaskDefinition> element. Report results are stored in the object model as <TaskResult> objects.

<TaskDefinition executor="sailpoint.reporting.LiveReportExecutor" name="Uncorrelated Accounts Report" progressMode="Percentage" resultAction="Rename" subType="Identity and User Reports" template="true" type="LiveReport">

In the example above, the type attribute for the TaskDefinition indicates that this is a report definition, and the executor specifies which class processes this task definition to run the report. The attributes of the TaskDefinition object and their purposes are described below.




The class used to run the report. The "sailpoint.reporting.LiveReportExecutor," is always specified as the executor for any report of type LiveReport, including custom reports.


Name of the report template; shown on the Reports list as the report's Name

When templates are edited, they must be saved as customized report instances, and the name value across all report templates and report instances must be unique. Therefore, the name attribute for a template is not displayed as the Name field's value on the Edit Report window's Standard Properties page since instances cannot be saved with this same name. The value entered in the Standard Properties page's Name field becomes the name value of the TaskDefinition XML for that instance.


Specifies how the executor updates progress while the report is being executed; most reports use Percentage. Possible values are:

None – executor doesn't update progress (same as null, or not specifying)
String – executor periodically updates progressString property of the result during execution
Percentage – executor periodically updates the progress and percentageComplete properties of the result during execution


Specifies the PreviousResultAction (shown on the Standard Properties page) which determines how to manage the results from previous runs of this report when it is executed again. Possible values are:

Rename – rename old report results by appending a numeric value (for example, Uncorrelated Accounts Report - 2)
RenameNew – rename new report results by appending a numeric value
Cancel – do not run the report when old report results still exist for the report (displays an error message indicating that a result from a previous execution of the report still exists)
Delete – delete old report results when the report is executed again


The report category to which this report belongs (sub-categories within the Reports and My Reports tabs); can be one of the out-of-the-box subTypes or a custom subType


Boolean indicating whether this is a report template (appears on the Reports tab) or a customized report instance (appears on My Reports tab); new custom reports should be set up as template="true"


All reports, including new custom reports, are of type "LiveReport"

See Elements within TaskDefinition.