About Rapid Setup

Rapid Setup is a business-user-friendly interface that offers a streamlined way to onboard applications and handle common identity management scenarios such as joiner, mover, leaver, and terminating identities. It provides preconfigured processes that follow best practices for managing identities.

Rapid Setup lets you separate the technical and IT-centric steps of onboarding and configuring applications (such as defining connection parameters and schemas) from the business-centric steps of defining the business processes the application should follow. Rapid Setup removes the complexity of implementation by providing a guided experience for non-technical users.

Rapid Setup does not replace existing IdentityIQ functions for onboarding applications and managing identities. Instead, it provides an alternative way of defining application behavior and the events and processes for managing identities, in a configurable and guided way, and in a single, centralized UI.

Some of Rapid Setup's behavior and options are set globally and will apply to all applications that are onboarded with Rapid Setup. Other options can be set at the application level, so that you can customize processes for each application.

Applications that you want to onboard with Rapid Setup must have connection parameters and schemas already defined. To make application onboarding easier for your business users, it is helpful to also predefine elements such as email templates, business processes, any rules you may want to use, and other event-specific drivers of identity processing. For more details, see Prerequisites for Configuring and Using Rapid Setup.

For more overview information see:

For information on configuring Rapid Setup's global options, see Rapid Setup Configuration.

Rapid Setup comes included in Lifecycle Manager and does not need to be installed separately.