Password Management Requests Report
This report shows password change requests that meet the filter criteria selected. Passwords can be changed through the Change Password option in Lifecycle Manager, through the Forgot Password option (secondary authentication through security questions), and as a result of an expired password where the system forces the user to change their password. The reason for the change is included in the report, along with the requester, the target identity, the date of the request, the application and account native identity for which the password is being changed, and the completion date (along with any comments) for the request.
Use the following criteria to determine what information is used in this report. You can use any combination of options to build a report.
Note: If you do not select any options from a list, all options in the list are included in the report.
Select the applications to include in the report. If no applications are specified, all applications are included.
Click the arrow to the right of the suggestion field to display a list of all applications, or enter a few letters in the field to display a list of applications that start with those letters.
Select the requestors to include in the report. If no requestors are specified, all requestors are included.
Click the arrow to the right of the suggestion field to display a list of all requestors, or enter a few letters in the field to display a list of requestors that start with those letters.
Type or use the dropdown list to select the roles to include in the report. If no roles are specified, all roles are included.
Target Identity
Select the target identity to include in the report. If no target identity are specified, all target identities are included.
Click the arrow to the right of the suggestion field to display a list of all target identities, or enter a few letters in the field to display a list of target identities that start with those letters.
Select the cause type to include in the report. If no cause types are specified, all types are included.
Choose from the following types:
Expired Password
Forgotten Password
Change Request
Select the status to include in the report. If none are specified, all status levels are included.
Request Date Range
The edit identity request date range. The report provides all requests created on or after the start date and on or before the end date.
You can enter the date manually, or click the [...] icon to select a date from the calendar. Date ranges can be open-ended in either direction (no start or no end date), as needed.
Finished Date Range
The edit identity request completion date range. The report provides all requests that were completed on or after the start date and on or before the end date.
You can enter the date manually, or click the [...] icon to select a date from the calendar. Date ranges can be open-ended in either direction (no start or no end date), as needed.